Cyber Security Salaries in India: Meaning, Types, Jobs and Salaries

Safalta Expert Published by: Aryan Rana Updated Sun, 18 Sep 2022 12:18 AM IST


The pay for cyber security professionals is increasing, despite the four million empty positions in the field worldwide. The cyber security salaries in India are covered in some detail on this site. Cyber security is essential for businesses to protect their digital assets from hackers and other cyber intruders.

Table of Content

1. What is Cyber Security?
2. Job Positions and Payscales in Cyber Security
3. Analyst for cyber security
4. Security Architect
5. Manager of Cybersecurity
6. Cybersecurity Attack Types
7. India's Scope in cyber security
8. Types of Cybersecurity
9. Cybersecurity: Need

By 2021, it is anticipated that the global cost of cybersecurity would reach $6 trillion. In order to comply with this newly defined reality of our modern society, organizations need to fundamentally alter their approach to cybersecurity and reprioritize expenditures. Cyber Security has become an ongoing worry for all businesses due to the rising use of the Internet and online behaviours in all areas of life. According to research, in 2022, a new business will become a ransomware victim every 11 seconds. According to a KSN (Kaspersky Security Network) estimate, the number of cyberattacks in India increased by 37% in the first quarter of 2020. In India, accredited universities have begun to offer the best cybersecurity courses.  If you are interested in Digital Marketing or Graphic Designing and want to learn these interesting courses then click on the links mentioned Digital Marketing Course and Graphic Designing course

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What is Cyber Security?

In order to protect networks, systems, devices, and data against cyber threats, cyberattacks, and illegal access, a body of knowledge known as cyber security has been developed. Information technology security is another name for cyber security, and those with expertise in this area are known as cyber security specialists.

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All throughout the world, one of the most in-demand professions is cyber security. Data protection from attackers or hackers is becoming more and more important as technology advances if organizations are to succeed and develop.

Job Positions and Payscales in Cyber Security

Security Engineer for networks

A network security engineer spots hacking attempts, harmful software, and other online threats. In order to prevent future IT threats, a network security engineer must maintain an organization's network security by monitoring suspicious activity and creating robust configurations for systems.

Network security engineer responsibilities and roles:

  • To maintain security and data privacy, create and configure firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
  • Maintain hardware and software linked to security
  • Plan and keep an eye on the entire network system.
  • Establish security guidelines
  • Install security infrastructure devices to uphold the security of the email, web protocols, and VPC
  • Conduct forensic and security analyses to find malicious situations

Network security engineer pay scale in India:

According to Indeed, network security engineers are paid the following salaries in various Indian cities:
Bengaluru ₹878,338/year
Chennai ₹595,862/year
Pune ₹864,704/year
Mumbai ₹682,989/year
Hyderabad ₹960,887/year

Analyst for cyber security

A cyber security analyst checks for vulnerabilities at their place of employment. They perform penetration testing to identify any openings in the corporate network that could be used for hacking and system exploitation.

Responsibilities and roles of a cyber security analyst:

  • Test and assess security breaches and threat patterns.
  • Find the gaps in the current firewalls and encryption
  • Keep up with the most recent cyber security threats and take control of them.
  • Keep an eye on all suspicious, prohibited, and illegal activity.
  • Make measures for disaster recovery in the case of a security breach and ensure it.

Payscale for an Indian cyber security analyst:

Professionals in India who work as cyber security analysts receive amazing pay commensurate with their level of experience. The following is the typical pay for a cyber security analyst in India:

According to PayScale, the pay for cyber security analysts varies by city:
Bengaluru ₹632,265/year
Chennai ₹575,849/year
Pune ₹732,425/year
Mumbai ₹460,000/year
Hyderabad ₹450,000/year

Security Architect

As the name implies, security architects are responsible for monitoring the security of the technology and software used by organizations. Systems are created by security architects to thwart hostile attacks. Security architects must be conversant with the strategies that attackers employ to acquire unauthorized access in order to accomplish this.

Responsibilities and roles of security architect:

  • Designing organizational system security architecture through research
  • Create security rules, guidelines, and practices.
  • When installing, upgrading, and uninstalling new software, make sure integrity is maintained.
  • Examine the expenses to ensure they are within budget
  • Inform and educate staff members about cyber security issues and the best ways to avoid them.

Salary of an Indian Security Architect:

According to PayScale statistics, security architects are paid the following salaries in various Indian cities:
Bengaluru ₹2,182,678/year
Chennai ₹1,900,000/year
Pune ₹2,137,764/year
Mumbai ₹2,000,000/year
Hyderabad ₹1,600,000/year

Manager of Cybersecurity

Planning and designing efficient responses to computer security breaches is part of cyber security management. To put security measures in place for the system, they give management and concerned personnel reports.

Responsibilities and roles of a Cybersecurity Manager:

  • Make a plan and put it into action whenever there are serious IT security risks.
  • Watch over the personnel implementing security measures.
  • Hire fresh personnel
  • Prepare the organization's security budget. Examine and set up new software tools and technologies.
  • possess knowledge of detecting, preventing, responding to, and recovering from cyberattacks

Salary for a Manager of Cyber Security in India:

According to PayScale, the following cities have some of the highest salaries for cyber security managers:
Bengaluru ₹1,662,424/year
Chennai ₹771,504/year
Pune ₹902,500/year
Mumbai ₹910,173/year
Hyderabad ₹893,000/year

Cybersecurity Attack Types

Cyber security attacks come in a variety of forms. Below are a few examples of cyber security attacks:


Software known as malware can destroy data or take control of a system on a computer, network, or other devices. When a person clicks on a malicious link or email from an email, malware enters the system. Malware can acquire sensitive information, limit access to important parts of your network, and harm a system once it has been infected.


Spyware is a type of malware that hides on a device and secretly sends real-time data to the host, like bank account information and passwords.


Phishing is the term for when a hacker tries to lure someone into divulging sensitive information, like passwords, banking information, and personally identifiable information (PII). By clicking on a hyperlink in an email, a recipient can be tricked into divulging personal information or downloading malware onto their computer.

DDoS attacks on the Internet (DDoS)

DDoS attacks try to crash a network by sending too many requests to the servers. The network is inundated with pointless requests from hundreds or thousands of IP addresses during a DDoS attack, which overloads the system and prevents legitimate requests from being processed. A website, for example, crashes as a result of the target system becoming overloaded.


Ransomware, as its name suggests, is a category of software that prevents users from accessing a system or data unless a ransom is paid. The attack encrypts data on the target system, making all files inaccessible, and then demands a ransom payment to restore access to the owner. These assaults may only be minor annoyances or they may possibly have negative effects.

Zero-day threats

A cyberattack known as a zero-day exploit takes place the same day a software, hardware, or firmware weakness is discovered. It is challenging to immediately set up a protection system due to the recent nature of the software flaw.

Advanced ProgressiveThreats (APTs)

An APT is when an unauthorized user gains access to a system or network and stays there for a considerable amount of time without being discovered.


This form of malware, which is named after the Trojan Horse in Greek mythology, first poses as a conventional application or file and deceives the user into installing and running the virus on their system. The Trojan launches malicious code once it has gained access to the host machine, which has the ability to corrupt or steal data or carry out other dangerous actions on a network.

Wiper Assaults

A malware assault known as a "wiper" aims to completely delete the hard disk of the victim's machine.

This entails deleting, overwriting, or erasing the victim's PC of any data. These attacks tend to be damaging in nature and frequently do not involve the demand for a ransom. Wiper attacks can occasionally be used to hide the evidence of a different data theft that is occurring concurrently. Wiper assaults are typically not covert because they are not intended to operate silently in the background.

Theft of intellectual property

Theft of intellectual property refers to taking or using another person's ideas or creations without that person's consent.

Man in the Middle Attack (MITM Attack)

A MITM attack occurs when a hacker tries to steal information by interfering with communication between two parties, such as a user and an application. In a MITM assault, the attacker can eavesdrop or pose as one of the parties, giving the impression that the usual information flow is taking place.

Quick Downloads

Unwanted downloads, such as those that install viruses, spyware, or other harmful software, are known as drive-by download attacks. There are two ways the download can occur:

  • Downloads that take place after the user grants permission but without being aware of the repercussions; for instance, downloads that install unidentified or fake executable software.
  • Downloads that take place without the user's awareness, such as malware, spyware, or computer viruses.


Online adverts that transmit malware and compromise computers are known as malvertising, sometimes known as malware advertising. Typically, advertising contains malicious code that is injected into them to cause this.

Rogue Security Software

Rogue security software deceives customers into thinking their computer has a virus and gets them to pay for a false malware removal application that really installs malware on their machine. It is malware and an internet scam that masquerades as legitimate software.

Natural catastrophes

Natural catastrophes can occasionally cause problems for the software's data centre.

India's Scope in cyber security

Over the past few years, there has been a surge in demand for cyber security experts due to the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks. The requirement for network security has increased as well as a result of the majority of professionals working from home. The skills of professionals who want to work in this field must be improved. By 2023, Forrester projects that businesses will spend $12.6 billion on cloud security technologies. Furthermore, according to Gartner, global investment in security and risk management will surpass US$150 billion in 2022. India, which is home to many MNC operations, is therefore predicted to experience tremendous growth in the cyber security sector. In India, a cyber security specialist makes an average annual pay of INR 600,000.

India's cyber security industry will undoubtedly grow in the years to come. Information security analyst, IT security architect, senior cyber security consultant, etc. are a few intriguing cyber security positions. Therefore, those who want to work in this field can anticipate a respectable career path in India.

Types of Cybersecurity

Network Security

Numerous strategies are used throughout the network security process to thwart harmful activity and secure the network by only allowing authorized users to access it. A firewall that serves as a defence against outside threats is used to secure the network.

Software Security

Having a good app-level security solution is crucial, much like securing networks. Application security is typically created and implemented prior to the application's deployment and calls for a strong password from the user. Two-factor authentication, security questions, and other methods are some of the strategies used in application security.

Cloud Security

The bulk of cloud services, including Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Apple iCloud, etc., are in heavy use as the majority of businesses move their data storage to the cloud. The necessity for their security has grown as a result of this. Cloud security is the term for this kind of security. Since there is a significant quantity of private data involved, the cloud must always be kept secure. End-user interface, data storage security, backup strategies, and other methods are some of the ones employed.

Operational Security

Identifying sensitive information and potential threats, assessing vulnerabilities and threat levels, and putting mitigation measures into action are all part of operational security. Utilizing risk management to recognize potential threats and stop sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands is known as operational security.

Cybersecurity: Need

There is no sign that people's dependence on technology will ever decrease. As a result, cloud storage providers will likely keep more sensitive data, including bank account information, which increases the risk of data leaks and identity theft. Therefore, it is essential to understand cyber security.

We must be concerned about a wide range of Cyber Security dangers since we use computers on a daily basis and because cloud services are on the rise. Governments from all over the world are focusing on cybercrimes. Major cyberattacks have occurred over the years, including the NASA cyberattack in 1999, the Melissa virus attack in 1999, the WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017, etc. Frameworks have started to be made available by councils like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to assist everyone in understanding security concerns, cyber security measures, and preventative techniques.

Cyberthreats can appear at any organizational level, and the attacks are becoming more advanced every day. For instance, in May 2017, the WannaCry attack inundated millions of systems worldwide. Organizations today invest a lot of time and money on Cyber Security technology and procedures since they are aware of these attacks. According to reports, the Indian government has boosted the budget set aside for IT industry cyber security. The amount increased from INR102 crores to INR170 crores for 2020–2021. The Indian Data Security Council's report projects that by 2022, the country's market for cyber security services will be worth US$7.6 billion. Remote working has become increasingly prevalent throughout the world, making cyber security more crucial than ever.




  The amount increased from INR102 crores to INR170 crores for 2020–2021. The Indian Data Security Council's report projects that by 2022, the country's market for cyber security services will be worth US$7.6 billion. Remote working has become increasingly prevalent throughout the world, making cyber security more crucial than ever.

Who has the top spot in cyber security?

With a score of 100 index points in 2020, the United States came out on top of the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI). With a GCI score of 99.54 each, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia tied for second place among the nations with the highest commitment to cyber security.

Who is cyber security's god?

Ankur Chandrakant is a recognized expert in digital forensic science on a global scale. He is a man with a clear vision, insightful ideas, and knowledge. He is the supreme being in the field of cyber security, to be more precise. Ankur Chandrakant is a renowned forensic and cyber security expert from India.

What is India's position in terms of cyber security?

With a score of 97.5, India moved up 37 spots to land in position 10 of the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2020. The Index was made public soon before the Digital India campaign's sixth anniversary, which began across the nation on July 1, 2015. The USA holds one of the top three spots in the Global Cybersecurity Index 2020.

What is international cybersecurity?

The Worldwide Cybersecurity Index (GCI) is a dependable resource that assesses each nation's dedication to cybersecurity on a global scale in order to highlight the significance and range of the problem.

Who requires online security?

There are six institutions that are seen to require cyber security the most, despite the fact that ALL organizations must infuse a feeling of importance in it. Specifically, institutions in the fields of healthcare, small businesses, government, manufacturing, finance, education, and energy and utility companies.

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