What Is the Function of Ctrl+D?
Control D, sometimes known as Ctrl+D, is a shortcut key that differs based on the software. In most Internet browsers, for example, Ctrl+D is used to add the current site to a bookmark or favorite.
In Microsoft PowerPoint, press Ctrl+D: Ctrl+D in Microsoft PowerPoint inserts a duplicate of the chosen slide.
Source: Safalta
Ctrl+D after selecting the required slide in the thumbnail pane on the left side of the PowerPoint application window. This keyboard shortcut can also be used to replicate shapes.There are three distinct advantages to using the Duplicate shortcut in PowerPoint.
1 The Duplicate shortcut is twice as quick as copy and pastes since it just requires two keystrokes instead of four.
2 The Duplicate shortcut in PowerPoint features a secret jump function that allows you to leap your material into position.
3 The root shortcut for the Duplicate Slide shortcut is Ctrl+D, which is the quickest way to save your work in PowerPoint.
In Microsoft Word, press Ctrl+D: Ctrl+D in Microsoft Word and opens the font preferences panel.
In an Internet browser, press Ctrl+D: Ctrl+D bookmarks or adds the current page to favorites in all major Internet browsers (e.g., Edge, Chrome, Opera, Firefox). For example, you may now bookmark this website by using Ctrl+D.
In Excel and Google Sheets, press Ctrl+D: Pressing Ctrl+D in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets fills and overwrites a cell(s) with the contents of the cell above it in a column. Ctrl+Shift+Down to select all cells below, then Ctrl+D to a column fills and overwrites a cell(s) with the contents of the cell above it. Things to Keep in Mind When Using Excel's CTRL D
- CTRL + D works when copied data is being transmitted downwards rather than upwards.
- The important thing to note about the CTRL + D shortcut key is that it only works in columns, not rows.
- When three cells are chosen, the data in the first cell is transferred to the other two cells.
In the Linux shell, press Ctrl+D: Pressing Ctrl+D in the Linux command-line shell logs you out of the interface. If you used the Sudo command to perform instructions as another user, hitting Ctrl+D quits that other user and returns you to the original user.
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Is it correct that CTRL+D halts input execution but CTRL+C halts output display (as plain data, without execution)?
No, it is not correct.
However, it is true that Ctrl+D indicates an End of Transmission (EOT) event, which often causes a program receiving data to shut the input file descriptor.
Ctrl+D is used for this since its ASCII table position matches the similar End of File control character, even if the actual EOF control character is not delivered in this situation.
In most cases, pressing Ctrl+C will trigger an interrupt signal (SIGINT), which will be transmitted to the processes running in the current terminal (see a man kill)