What are the reactions involved in ozone layer depletion in the atmosphere?
The reactions are: CFCs are discharged into the atmosphere and combine with other gases before reaching the stratosphere, where UV light decomposes them. CF2Cl2(g)−→−UVCl∙(g) + CF2Cl(g)CF2Cl2(g)→UVCl∙(g) + CF2Cl(g) The chlorine free radical produced in the first step reacts with the ozone as: Cl∙(g) + O3(g)→ClO∙(g) + O2(g)Cl∙(g) + O3(g)→ClO∙(g) + O2(g) The chlorine free radicals further reacts with atomic oxygen to produce more chlorine free radicals as: ClO∙(g) + [O]→Cl∙(g) + O2(g)ClO∙(g) + [O]→Cl∙(g) + O2(g)