State the volume of air remaining in the lungs after a normal breathing
The lung capacities can differ depending upon age, gender, endurance, respiratory illness, and so on. There are four types of lung capacity: Inspiratory capacity, vital capacity, functional residual capacity, and total lung capacity. The volume of the air that is left inside the lungs after one normal expiration is called functional residual capacity. This is the volume of the air that persists in the lungs during normal breathing, and some of the amounts can only be expelled after forced expiration. 2. The amount of functional residual capacity in the lungs in a healthy individual is about 2.4 Liters. This value can vary among males and females. The volume of the air that is present inside the lungs after the process of normal expiration, it is called functional residual capacity. The volume of the air that remains in the lungs after normal breathing is about 2.4 L.