Explain Briefly The Limitations Of Financial Ratios?
The limitations of financial ratios are listed below: Diversified product lines: Many businesses operate a large number of divisions in quite different industries. In such cases, ratios calculated on the basis of aggregate data cannot be used for inter-firm comparisons. Financial data are badly distorted by inflation: Historical cost values may be substantially different from true values. Such distortions of financial data are also carried in the financial ratios. Seasonal factors may also influence financial data. To give a good shape to the popularly used financial ratios (like current ratio, debt- equity ratios, etc.): The business may make some year-end adjustments. Such window dressing can change the character of financial ratios which would be different had there been no such change. Differences in accounting policies and accounting period: It can make the accounting data of two firms non-comparable as also the accounting ratios. There is no standard set of ratios against which a firm’s ratios can be compared: Sometimes a firm’s ratios are compared with the industry average. But if a firm desires to be above the average, then industry average becomes a low standard. On the other hand, for a below average firm, industry averages become too high a standard to achieve.