Karnal, Haryana
Specialized in NDA
Centers In Sector 9
Vaani Tuition Classes is a NDA Coaching in Karnal that also teaches for other exams like CDS, AFCAT, SSB . Vaani Tuition Classes has only one center in India in Sector 9, Karnal. Vaani Tuition Classes, Sector 9, Karnal specializes in CDS Coaching. Write a Review for Vaani Tuition Classes
NDA Exam Highlights
National Defence Academy (NDA) is a national-level exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) twice a year. This is a highly reputed and competitive exam. Candidates need to ensure that they have prepared thoroughly to clear this exam.
Exam Name | NDA/NA (2) 2022 |
Conducting Body | Union Public Service Commission |
Official Website | upsc.gov.in |
Exam Type | National Level |
Eligibility Criteria | Unmarried Male & Female candidates can apply |
Mode of Application | Online |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Duration | Mathematics: 2 hours 30 minutes General Ability Test: 2 hours 30 minutes |
NDA Syllabus 2021 Mathematics
Matrices and Determinants
Analytical Geometry of 02 & 03 Dimensions
Differential Calculus
Integral Calculus and Differential Equations
Vector Algebra
NDA Syllabus 2021 (Paper 2)
Paper 2 is the General Ability Test. UPSC NDA April 2021 Paper 2 syllabus contains topics from English, General Knowledge, History and Science
Part A - English- The maximum mark is 200
Correct Use of words
Fill in the blanks
Synonyms & antonyms
Grammar and usage
Comprehension and cohesion
Part B- General Knowledge - The Maximum Marks are 400
The question paper on General Knowledge will cover Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events.
Below is the complete syllabus of different exams. Candidates have to prepare almost every topic to qualify the test.
NDA Syllabus 2021 for Physics
Physical Properties and States of Matter
The motion of objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy.
Effects of Heat, Measurement of Temperature and Heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat. Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments. Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction.
Spherical mirrors and Lenses, Human Eye.
Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet.
Static and Current Electricity
General Principles in the working of the following: Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass; Lightning Conductors, Safety Fuses.
NDA Syllabus 2021 for Chemistry
Physical and Chemical changes.
Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations
Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems).
Properties of Air and Water.
Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide, Oxidation and Reduction
Acids, bases & salts.
Carbon—different forms. Fertilizers—Natural and Artificial.
Preparation of Soap, Glass, Paints, Ink, Paper, Cement, Safety Matches and Gun-Powder.
Structure of Atom, Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency.
NDA Syllabus 2021 for General Science
Difference between the living and nonliving
Basis of Life—Cells, Protoplasms and Tissues
Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals
Human Body and its important organs
Common Epidemics, their causes & prevention.
Constituents of food & Balanced Diet.
The Solar System—Meteors and Comets, Eclipses
Achievements of Eminent Scientists
NDA 2022 Syllabus for History
Indian History including Culture and Civilisation.
Freedom Movement in India
Indian Constitution and Administration.
Five Year Plans of India
Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives and Community Development
National Integration and Welfare State
Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi
Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery
American Independence.
French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and the Russian Revolution.
Impact of Science and Technology on Society.
Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism and Communism.
NDA Syllabus 2022 for Geography
Latitudes and Longitudes
Concept of time
International Date Line
Origin of Earth, its Movements and their effects
Rocks and their classification
Weathering— Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Ocean Currents and Tides
Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure
Planetary Winds, Cyclones and Anticyclones
Condensation and Precipitation
Types of Climate, Major Natural regions of the World.
Regional Geography of India—Climate, Natural vegetation.
Mineral and Power resources;
Location and distribution of agricultural and Industrial activities.
Important Seaports
Imports and Exports of India.
NDA Syllabus 2021 for Current Events
Knowledge of all the important events that have happened in India in recent years or across the world.
Prominent personalities—both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports etc.
SSB interview is considered to be the most exhaustive and toughest among all the interviews that are conducted for any government job examinations. It's really important to clear the SSB interview if you desire to become an officer in Indian Armed Forces. SSB interview has equal marks to that of the written exam. There is a cut-throat competition in SSB interview because just qualifying the written exam doesn't give you the ticket to NDA, there are lots of candidates, who have qualified NDA or CDS written exam several times but they failed in SSB interview. Many candidates have been sent back on the very first day of the interview. The rate of selection in the SSB interview accounts for nearly 6-10% of the candidates who have appeared.
To clear the SSB interview the candidates require 80% mental efforts and 20% physical efforts. The interview conducting body always looks for officer-like qualities in a candidate i.e suitable personality, approach towards solving a real-time problem and attitude towards your goals & life. SSB interview is not a one day process but a 5-days process, which is of very long duration.
The day-wise SSB interview process is explained below.
Day 1
On the very first day, the screening test is conducted consisting of an OIR (Officers Intelligence Rating) test and PPDT (Picture Perception & Description Test).
In the OIR test, candidates are given a set of 50 questions based on Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning. The time given to solve these questions will be 30 minutes. After that in PPDT, candidates will be shown a static picture on the projector for 30 seconds and they have to come up with a thoughtful story based on your perception. The candidates who do not perform well are sent back on the very first day.
Day 2
On this day, the candidate is called for psychological testing.
TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test) – In this test, the candidates are shown 11 hazy/blur pictures on the projector one by one and the candidates need to write a positive story on the shown pictures. The 12th picture will be blank and the candidate needs to write a Self-Description on the same.
WAT (Word Association Test) - this test is to determine the candidate’s psychology. Candidates will be shown 60 words on a projector consecutively and they have to associate these words with some positive events.
SRT (Situation Reaction Test) - SRT is conducted after WAT and 10 minutes will be given to the candidate for answering these questions. The total number of questions will be 60 and the candidates have to write 2-3 sentences in each situation.
Day 3 & 4
On the third and fourth day of the interview, GTO tasks are done to determine the suitable candidate. The Group Testing Officer (GTO) is the most powerful person in the SSB interview because he will spend 2 days testing your abilities. GTO testing comprises the following tasks-
Group Discussion (GD) – the group will be given two topics for discussion.
Group Planning Exercise (GPE) – this test will consist of 5 parts.
- Model explanation
- Reading of narratives by GTO
- 5 minutes for self-reading
- 10 minutes for writing your individual plan
- Finally, 20 minutes to discuss the common plan
Progressive Group Task (PGT)- PGT is a set of obstacles in a specified area in which the team members need to cross each obstacle complying with certain rules and regulations. The difficulty level of this task increases after every obstacle.
Group Obstacle Race- This is also known as snake race. The group has to take part in a race of six obstacles. Here, the Group Testing Officer GTO wants to see the co-operation and team-leading quality in you.
Half Group Task (HGT) – HGT is almost similar to PGT, but the group is divided into two parts. Here, the Group Testing Officer wants to see the individual performance of the candidate. The rules for HGT will be the same as in PGT.
Lecturette- In this round, each candidate will be given 3 minutes to deliver a speech in front of the group. Scores depend upon your expressions, body language, fluency, confidence, and the knowledge you have.
Individual Obstacles- In this round, the candidate has to perform individually and needs to cross 10 obstacles. These obstacles are Single Ramp, Double Barrel, Screen Jump, Balancing Beam, Tarzan Swing, Burma Bridge, Double Ditch, Double Platform Jump, Tiger Leap, and Commando Walk.
Command Task- this round is to find the commanding ability in a candidate and is conducted before the FGT. The candidates are allowed to choose any two members out of the group that you have been allotted. This task is like PGT and HGT.
Final Group Task (FGT)- this is the final task in testing. All group members are required to finish this task and all rules remain the same as in PGT and HGT. This task is tougher and time taking
Day 5: This is the D-day of the SSB interview. On this day, the candidate is called for the conference for verification by the panel and after this, results are announced.
Note: A personal interview round is also organized on any day between second to the fourth day. The interviewing officers are a top senior officer like Colonel or Brigadier. Personal Interview is an integral part of the SSB interview process in which the details in PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) form are matched with your personality so they need to be correct.