.Four Noble Truths are one of the most fundamental truths of which of the following religion? [A] Jainism [B] Buddhism [C] Islam [D] Hinduism
The concept of "the Four Noble Truths" belongs to Buddhism. Buddhism was established by "Buddha" approximately 2500 years ago in India and it is 4th largest religion with approximately 7% of the world's population. Gautam Buddha was born in Lumbini in Nepal to the King of Kapilvastu but he left his palace at the age of 29 which is known as Mahabhinishkramana. The Four Noble Truths of Buddism is- Dukkha(The truth of Suffering) Samudaya(To find the cause of suffering) Nirodh(To find the cessation of suffering) Magga(Implementation of the right path to end suffering) The Buddhism was categorised initially in two sects namely, Hinayana & Mahayana but in the later era, Various sects of Neo-Buddhism also originated and among these, the most promoted & accepted form is Navayana which was launched by Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar.