5.Who represented India in the Extraordinary Virtual G20 Digital Economy Ministers meeting held amid the Covid-19 pandemic? [A] Piyush Goyal [B] Nirmala Sitharaman [C] Ravi Shankar Prasad [D] Prakash Javadekar Show Answer

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Dileep Vishwakarma

1 year ago

Answer: [C] Ravi Shankar Prasad Notes: An Extraordinary Virtual G20 Digital Economy Ministers meeting was convened recently to discuss the challenges posed by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Union Minister Communications and Electronics & IT Ravi Shankar Prasad represented India in the meeting. Digital Ministers of other G20 member also attended the virtual meeting. The G20 Digital Economy Task Force COVID-19 Ministerial Statement was released which ensured global digital measures to tackle the pandemic.

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