25.Which space agency received the samples of Asteroid Ryugu, under its Hayabusa2 mission? [A] NASA [B] ISRO [C] ESA [D] JAXA Show Answer

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Dileep Vishwakarma

2 years ago

After arriving at the asteroid in June 2018, Hayabusa2 deployed two rovers and a small lander on the surface. Then, on Feb. 22, 2019, Hayabusa2 fired an impactor into the asteroid to create an artificial crater. This allowed the spacecraft to retrieve a sample beneath Ryugu's surface.

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Dileep Vishwakarma

2 years ago

A Hayabusa2 sample canister containing sample fragments of the asteroid Ryugu is transferred from JAXA to NASA. "This is an exciting opportunity to amplify science return through international cooperation,” said Lori Glaze, Planetary Science Division director at NASA Headquarters.

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