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Ananya Shree

Class 11th
2 years ago

How are the minerals absorbed by the plants?

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Muskan Anand

2 years ago

Uptake of mineral ions, by plants, occurs through two main phases. Passive Absorption: It is the process of absorption of minerals through it’s outer space(Intercellular space and cell wall) by physical process. Direct expenditure of metabolic energy is not involved. A substance moves from a region of higher chemical potential to lower chemical potential. It occurs through ion channels (transmembrane protein). The theories to explain the movement of ions: (a) Ion exchange: Both cation and anion gets absorbed on the surface of cell wall. The absorbed ions are exchanged with ions present in soil solution. (b) Mass flow hypothesis: According to this hypothesis mass flow of ions occur along with absorption of water as a result of transpirational pull. Active Absorption: It is the process of movement of ions against a concentration gradient, by utilizing ATP as energy. Both influx and efflux of ions are carried out by carrier mechanism. The activated ions combine with carrier proteins and form ion carrier complex. This complex moves across all the membrane and reaches inner surface, where it breaks and releases ions into the cytoplasm.

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