Discuss different systems of classification briefly.
There are three types of fungus. (i) Phycomycetes: Their mycelium is multinucleated and aseptate. Asexual reproduction is accomplished using aplanospores, while sexual reproduction is accomplished through isogamy or oogamy. These can be found in wet or damp areas, such as mucor Albugo. (ii) Ascomycetes: They are septate unicellular or multicellular mycelium. Conidia are asexual spores that develop in chains. Ascospores, which are carried in a cup-shaped structure called asci, are used for sexual reproduction in yeasts like Penicillium and Aspergillus. Basidiomycetes: These fungi are known as club fungus because of the basidium, which is a club-shaped terminal of mycelium. They have septate mycelium and produce basidiospores, which are asexual spores. For example, mushroom smut