Explain the life cycle in green algae?
There are three types of life cycle found in green algae: (a) Haplontic Life Cycle: The dominant phase is haploid. A diploid state is found only in the form of a zygote or zygospores. Meiosis takes place at the time of its germination. Example: Ulothrix, Spirogyra. (b) Diplontic Life Cycle: The dominant phase alga is diploid. It gives rise to haploid gametes through meiosis. Gametes unit and the zygote regenerates the diploid phase. (c) Diplohaplontic Life Cycle: It has well developed multicellular haploid and diploid phases. These are respectively called gametophyte and sporophyte. Haploid gametophytes produce haploid gametes. Sporophytes produce haploid spores by meiosis. The meiospores germinate into new gametophytes.