Classify plant kingdom?
(i) Thallophytic: The plant body is thallus i.e. not differentiated into root, stem and leaves. Example: Chlorella, Ulothrix, Spirogyra. (ii) Bryophyta: Amphibious inhabit, water is necessary for fertilization, Vascular tissues are absent. Example: Riccia, Marchantia, Funaria. (iii) Pteridophyta: The plant body is differentiated into distinct underground stem-like rhizome bearing roots and aerial shoots with leaves. Example: Equisetum, Adiantum, Pteris (iv) Gymnosperm: Seeds are naked. Example: Cycas, Pinus, Cedars (v) Angiosperm: Seeds are protected inside the fruits. Example Monocotyledones- grass, maize, rice and; dicotyledons- gram, pea, sunflower