How is the study of plant anatomy useful to us?
Explanation Different types of plants are identified and categorised based on their anatomy. Therefore, plant anatomy is useful in differentiating between angiosperms and gymnosperms, as well as between different types of angiosperms (monocots and dicots). The diverse structural modifications that a plant undergoes to adapt to its environment are studied under plant anatomy. The yield and growth of food crops is improved by analysing their internal structure. The study of plants’ internal structure is ultimately beneficial in providing the right conditions for the growth and development of the plants and fighting plant diseases All botanical research for studies, herbariums or botanical gardens is based on the proper identification of the internal structure of the plants. The different varieties of wood like teak, deodar and sal are identified by their unique anatomical structure. The anatomy of the wood also determines the quality and the strength of the wood. The anatomy of plant remains at ancient archaeological sites help in determining the culture and habits of the people at that site. Plants also serve as forensic evidences in crime scenes, where use of drugs is involved. Better understanding of the internal structure of the plant helps to improve the quality of the future varieties of the same plant. Final Answer All plants are composed of cells and tissues. The arrangement of the cells and the modifications they undergo in each plant are unique. Many plants develop special structures which help in their survival. The knowledge of the modification and arrangement of these tissues helps in the correct identification of the plant.