Give comparison between the following: (a) C³ and C4 pathways
In the C₃ cycle, CO₂ is reduced to 3 carbon sugar whereas in C₄ CO₂ is fixed into a four-carbon compound in mesophyll cells.In C₃ plants Calvin cycle occurs in mesophyll cells whereas in C4 it occurs in bundle sheath cells.The primary acceptor of CO₂ in the C₃ cycle is RUBP whereas in C₄ it is a PEP.In C₃ plants rubisco is present in mesophyll whereas in C₄ it is present in bundle sheath cells.Examples of C₃ plants are wheat, rice, and examples of C₄ plants is maize, sugarcane. n the C₃ pathway, a three-carbon compound is formed as a product whereas in C₄ a four-carbon compound is formed as a product. C₃ cycle is also known as the Calvin cycle and the C₄ cycle is also known as Hatch and slack pathway.C₃ plants cannot minimize photorespiration whereas C₄ plants can do so.