Define oxygen dissociation curve. Can you suggest any reason for its sigmoidal pattern?
The oxygen dissociation curve shows the affinity for oxygen and hemoglobin under given oxygen tension. The sigmoidal or S-shape of the curve is due to the change in this affinity of Hb-O2 under different physiological factors such as temperature and pH.
The oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve, also called the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve or oxygen dissociation curve, is a curve that plots the proportion of hemoglobin in its saturated form on the vertical axis against the prevailing oxygen tension on the horizontal axis.
The oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve, also called the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve or oxygen dissociation curve, is a curve that plots the proportion of hemoglobin in its saturated form on the vertical axis against the prevailing oxygen tension on the horizontal axis.