What is a bisexual flower? Collect five bisexual flowers from your neighbourhood and with the help of your teacher find out their common and scientific names.
Bi-sexual flowers - these are the flowers having both male and female sex-organs i.e., they contain androecium (unit: stamens) and gynoecium (unit: carpels or pistils). e.g., Hibiscus ( Rosa sinensis), Rose (Rosa indica) etc. The structural and functional unit of androecium (male sex-organ) is stamen and the structural and functional unit of gynoecium (female sex-organ) is carpel or pistil. In bi-sexual flowers, the male and the female sex-organs are within the same flower. Due to their close proximity of the male and female sex-organs, bi-sexual flowers get self-pollinated and fertilised easily. They don't need any pollinators [pollinating agents like insects (bees, flies or wasps etc), wind or water] for their pollination. Other examples of bi-sexual flowers are- Hibiscus, Rose, Lily, Beans, Mustard, Brinjal, Tomato