What do you mean by biodiversity? What are the different types of Biodiversity?
Biodiversity can be defined as the totality of genes of species and ecosystem of a given particular region. Three types of Biodiversities are:- i) Genetic Biodiversity:- It refers to the diversity of genes within a species. The greater the genetic diversity among organisms of a species greater will be the sustainability it has against environmental perturbations. Whereas genetically uniform populations are highly prone to diseases or harsh environments. ii) Species Biodiversity:- It refers to the variety of species within a region. It has two important measures:- a) Species richness:- means the number of species per unit area. b) Species evenness:- means abundance with which each species is represented in an area. iii) Ecosystem Biodiversity:- It refers to the variety of habitats, community types, and abiotic environment present in an area. It is again divided into three types:- a) Alpha diversity - It refers to the number of species in a given community. b) Beta diversity - Biodiversity which appears in the range of communities due to the replacement of species with change in the community is called beta diversity. c) Gamma diversity - It refers to the diversity of habitats over the total geographical area.