List the control measures for minimizing air pollution.
Control measures for minimizing air pollution: Simple combustible solid wastes should be burnt in incinerators. Automobiles must be either made to eliminate the use of gasoline and diesel oil or complete combustion is obtained in the engine so that harmful products are omitted. There should be a cut in the use of agricultural sprays. Excessive and undesirable burning of vegetation should be stopped. Smoking should be stopped. Use of electrostatic precipitators and filters in the factories to minimize atmospheric pollution. The use of tall chimneys can substantially reduce the concentration of pollutants at the ground level. Weather forecasts can help in controlling air pollution as the meteorological conditions affect the dispersion, dilution, and mixing of various emissions and proper operation of factory schedule, e.g. when atmospheric stagnation or calm is predicted, a power plant should switch over from coal to gas. Separation of pollutants from harmless gases. Dispersion of pollutants to innocuous (harmless) products before releasing into the atmosphere.