Write short notes on: (i) adaptations of desert plants and animals.
Adaptations of desert plants and animals: (a) Adaptations of desert animals. Animals faced with water scarcity as found in arid or desert areas, show two types of adaptations, reducing water loss and the ability to tolerate arid conditions. Kangaroo/Desert rat seldom drinks water. It has a thick coat to minimise evaporative desiccation. The animal seldom comes out of its comparatively humid and cool burrow during the daytime. 90% of its water requirement is met from metabolic water (water produced by respiratory breakdown) while 10% is obtained from food. Loss of water is minimised by producing nearly solid urine and faeces. Spiny skin and highly cornified in Phrynosoma (horned toad) and Moloch horridus. Camels have long legs to stay away from the hot desert surface.