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Deepika Deepika

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
2 years ago

75. How do I write a great marketing email?

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Abhishek Mishra

2 years ago

The single best piece of advice we can give when it comes to writing a marketing email is to keep the following in mind: The purpose of every email you write is to deepen your relationship with each individual subscriber, position yourself as an authoritative and trustworthy resource with expertise that is being helpful. That means writing to them as if you were a friend, or at least a real-life person, rather than sounding like a used car salesman or faceless, impersonal company. Emails from friends are written conversationally and casually. Friends don't capitalize each word in the subject line, they don't include images in emails most of the time, they don't include a signature with social media links, they don't use buttons, and they don't send information they're not sure about if it's relevant or valuable to you, etc. They do have simple one sentence paragraphs of text and can have a text link in them and that's it.

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