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Naina Kashyap

Job Interview Skills
2 years ago

Why Are Nanomaterials Used In Cosmetics?

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Muskan Anand

2 years ago

Nanomaterials were taken into account for the first time in the new cosmetics regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 which comes into effect in the EU on 11 July 2013. What has been the case up to now for UV filters and will continue to be so in future is that the decision on their inclusion in the positive list of the UV filters authorised in cosmetics will be made by the EU Commission after a risk assessment. It will be made on European level by the Scientific Committee of Consumer Safety (SCCS, formerly SCC, SCCNFP, SCCP) which advises the EU Commission. The basis for the risk assessment is formed by the Notes of Guidance.

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