What Contribution Does The Bfr Make To The Investigation Of Risks Caused By Nanomaterials?
Together with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) and the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), the BfR developed a research strategy to identify the potential risks of nanotechnology as far back as 2007 in order to outline the research requirements that exist for the assessment of possible risks and promote the development of suitable test methods and evaluation strategies. Numerous research projects have been initiated in all three involved institutions in the meantime with the result that a new edition of the research strategy to determine the possible risks of nanotechnology was published in 2012. It also contains a balance of the results of already completed projects and describes current activities in the areas of characterisation, exposure, toxicological and ecotoxological effects, as well as risk assessment and risk communication. The BfR not only conducts its own research projects, it also combines external expertise on methodical further development. In addition to this, the BfR scientists are involved in larger scale national and international joint projects and committees.