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Pooja Sharma

Job Interview Skills
1 year ago

68. Which is the first compiler-level language developed by a team of IBM programmers led by John Backus and unveiled in 1957? A. BASIC B. PL/1 C. FORTRAN D. APL E. None of the above

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Abhishek Mishra

1 year ago

FORTRAN is the first compiler-level language developed by a team of IBM programmers led by John Backus and unveiled. In 1957 John Backus and his team at IBM shipped FORTRAN for the IBM 704. This software, proprietary to IBM, became the first widely-used high-level programming language. The FORTRAN language was completed in late 1954, and a FORTRAN compiler was programmed and tested in 1955–56. Shipment of the FORTRAN system began in April 1957 to IBM 704 users.

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