52. The Ryotwari System of Land Tenure to a situation where A.The Ryot is the owner of the land held by him/ her and directly pays the revenue assessed on the land to the State B.The Ryot is an occupancy tenant of his/her land and pays the land revenue to the Zamindar C.The person cultivates the land leased from a landlord and inreturn pays rent to the landlord D.The land is collectively owned and cultivated on a cooperative basis

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Abhishek Mishra

2 years ago

Option A Solution: The Ryotwari system was a land tenure system in British India, introduced by Sir Thomas Munro in 1820 based on system administered by Captain Alexander Read in the Baramahal district. It allowed the government to deal directly with the peasant (ryot) for revenue collection, and gave the peasant freedom to give up or acquire new land for cultivation.

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