When did Mr. Attlee, Prime Minister of England, announce tile transfer of power to the Indians?
February 1947: British government have thought about a plan and announced it on 3rd of June 1947, it includes some important principles: Division of British India should be accepted by the British Government. Successor governments should get superior status. August 1947:this This is well known that, on August 15, 1947, India got independence. inauguration of the period leads to the death of many people of India and Pakistan as well. hundreds and thousands including Gandhiji. today all people over India have lived lives with full freedom. June 1948:Mr Attley announces the transfer of powers to Indians in the house of commons, in June 1948. he makes the statement related to Indian policy. this statement is In the form of white paper. June 1949: Attlee won a majority of five seats at the time of the election in 1949-1950 he formed the 2nd Attlee ministry. After that election,20 months ago, Attlee called after a new election for 25 October 1951. He wanted to gain a larger majority but was unfortunately defeated by the Conservative Party.