Diversification in plant life appeared (a) due to long periods of evolutionary changes (b) due to abrupt mutations (c) suddenly on earth (d) by seed dispersal.
Option A Diversification in plant life appeared due to long periods of evolutionary changes. Algae and bryophytes have thalloid plant body with no differentiation into root, stem and leaves. They had no vascular tissues but later in pteridophytes vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) developed and plant body became differentiated into root, stem and leaves. But the vascular tissues lack vessels and companion cells and they reproduce by spores. In gymnosperms seed habit developed but the seeds are not enclosed inside fruit. In angiosperms vessels and companion cells are present, flowers are present and seeds are enclosed inside fruits. Thus the path of evolution is from algae to bryophytes to pteridophytes to gymnosperms and finally to angiosperm.