13.Integrated organic farming has been adopted in India by A. Remesh Chandra Sagar B. Ahmed Khan C. Panduranga Hege D. Amrita Devi

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Muskan Anand

1 year ago

Option A Integrated organic farming has been adopted in india by Ramesh chandra Dagar Ramesh Chandra Dagar, a farmer in Sonepat, Haryana has integrated bee-keeping, dairy management, water harvesting, composting and agriculture in a chain of processes, which support each other and allow an extremely economical and sustainable venture. This process eliminates the use of chemical fertilisers for crops, as cattle excreta (dung) are used as manure. He used crop waste to create compost, which was used as a natural fertiliser. It was also used to generate natural gas for satisfying the energy needs of the farm. To help on the practice of integrated organic farming, Dagar has created the Haryana Kisan Welfare Club, with a current membership of 5000 farmers. 

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