Which of the following animals does not undergo metamorphosis A. Earthworm B. Tunicate C. Moth D. Starfish

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Muskan Anand

2 years ago

Option A.Development of adults from eggs includes various stages. There are various changes observed in the habits of an animal during normal development of adult from embryonic stage. It is known as metamorphosis. During metamorphosis eggs develop into larva which ultimately develops into adults. It is called indirect development. During direct development of embryo eggs directly develop into young ones and then the adult larval stage does not include in this type of development. Earthworms do not include any larval stage during their development tunicate belong to the category of urochordates. Larva is well developed in these organisms. Larva develops into sessile adults further but advanced features are absent in it. - Moth comes in the category of insect. They show complete metamorphosis that means eggs develop into larva, larva develop into pupa which develops into adult. - Starfish belongs to Echinodermata. Larva stage present in it. From the above information we can say that earthworms do not undergo metamorphosis.

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