Write a note on economic importance of algae and gymnosperms.
Explanation Economic importance of algae Food source: Algae serve as a source of food and are found to be a rich source of proteins and carbohydrates. E.g.Chlorella ,Sargassum etc. Phycocolloids: Agar- Agar, carrageenin and funoriphycocolloids are found in the cell wall of red algae. Algins and alginates found in cell walls of brown algae are used in soaps and cosmetics. Stored food: Floridean starch is structurally similar to glycogen and amylopectin. Medicines: Carageenan obtained from red algae is used to treat coughs, colds, and as laxatives.Antibiotics like chlorellin is obtained from genus Chlorella. Space research: Algae are used in space research; Chlorella is used as a source of food and oxygen by space travele Economic importance of gymnosperm Food source: Seeds of Pinusgerardiana is edible, it is also known as chilgoza pine. Resin’s source: Resins are substances which are used for manufacturing sealing waxes and waterproof paints. Resin turpentine is obtained from pinus species, it is used in varnish Medicinal uses: Taxol is an anticancerous drug obtained from Taxus, ephedrine is obtained from Ephedra which is used in the treatment of asthma.Tincture of Ephedra is used as a cardiac stimulant From the bark of Araucaria and Sequoia tannins are prepared Ornamental uses: Species of cycas are used for decoration purpose.