Ibn-Battuta was full of excitement to know about the unfamiliar.” Give reasons in favour of the statement.
When Ibn-Battuta arrived in India in the 14th century, the whole of the sub-continent was part of a global network of communication. This communication network stretched from China in the east and North¬western Africa and Europe in the west. Ibn-Battuta himself extensively travelled in these regions. During his journeys, he observed sacred places, spent time with scholars and rulers and even remained on the post of Qazi.He also enjoyed the cosmopolitan culture of urban centres where people used to speak Arabic, Persian, Turkish and other languages and exchanged ideas, information, stories, etc. These include stories of men noted for their piety, kings, general masses and people of all categories. If anything was unfamiliar in those stories, it was particularly highlighted so that the readers or listeners must be impressed by that. Ibn-Battuta very interestingly described the coconut and the paan. His readers were very much unfamiliar with these two things.