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Deepika Deepika

Teaching Exams
Social Science
2 years ago

Discuss the role of rumours and prophecies in the expansion of the Revolt of 1857.

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Abhishek Mishra

2 years ago

Rumours and prophecies played a significant role in the Revolt of 1857. It is clear from the following examples: Rumours about Cartridges: There was a rumour that the new cartridges of Enfield Rifles were greased with the fat of cows and pigs. This rumor fried fire are the sepoy-lines of North India. Rumors about Flour Mixed with Bone Dust: There was a rumor that the British had conspired to destroy the caste and religion of both the Hindus and the Muslims. Some people spread the rumour that the British had mixed bone dust of cows and pigs into the flour that was sold in the market. So the common people, as well as the sepoys in various cantonments, refused to touch and eat this flour. Some people considered it as the British attempt to convert Indians to Christianity. The British contradicted these rumours but nobody believed them.Distribution of Chapattis: Another thing that defied any explanation was the distribution of chapattis from village to village. At night, a person gave five chapattis to the watchman of the village. He asked him to make five more chapattis and distribute them in the next village. The meaning and purpose of such distribution of the chapattis remained an enigma to most of the people.

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