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Deepika Deepika

Teaching Exams
Social Science
2 years ago

The problem of separate electorates was an intricate problem that confronted the Constituent Assembly. Discuss the debate held in the Assembly over this issue.

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Abhishek Mishra

2 years ago

Arguments in favour of Separate Electorates It is a political framework in which minorities can live in harmony with people who are in majority. It is an arrangement which can minimise differences between different communities. It can provide good representation to the minorities in the political system of the country. It enables others to hear the voice of the minority and take into account its views and opinions. Only the minority people can choose their true representative. Arguments against Separate Electorates.It was a measure deliberately introduced by the foreign rulers to divide the people. It can lead to riots, violence and civil war. It is a poison in any political system. It divides the nation and causes bloodshed as one community turns against the other. It is a mischief left behind by the British. It is harmful not only to the nation but also to the minorities. It is rather suicidal to the minorities. It is self-destructive as it isolates the minorities from the majority. It divides the loyalty of the citizens towards their nation.

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