Question 1:Prosaic
Option 1: uninspiring
Option 2: poetic
Option 3: exotic
Option 4: imaginative
Question 2: Conundrum
Option 1: riddle
Option 2: dampness
Option 3: impudence
Option 4: servility
Question 3: Parsimonious
Option 1: thirfty
Option 2: cunning
Option 3: extravagant
Option 4: upright
Question 4: Preposterous
Option 1: careful
Option 2: casual
Option 3: absurd
Option 4: deterrent
Question 5: Mosquerade
Option 1: to provide support
Option 2: to go in disguise
Option 3: to mesmerise
Option 4: marathon race
Question6: Slipshod
Option 1: vulgar
Option 2: careless
Option 3: commonplace
Option 4: retaliatory
Question 7: Commiseration
Option 1: commission
Option 2: vastness
Option 3: sympathy
Option 4: commendation
Question 8: Rectitude
Option 1: duplication
Option 2: integrity
Option 3: rectification
Option 4: recovery
Question 9: Solitude
Option 1: musical composition
Option 2: aloneness
Option 3: true statement
Option 4: single mindedness
Question 10: Zealot
Option 1: tolerant
Option 2: liberal
Option 3: impious
Option 4: fanatic
Ans 1: uninspiring
Explanation: prosaic means having or using the style or diction of prose as opposed to poetry; lacking imaginativeness or originality.
exotic- originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.
Ans 2: riddleExplanation: conundrum-a confusing and difficult problem or question.
dampness-the state or condition of being slightly wet.
impudence-not showing due respect for another person
servilityan-- excessive willingness to serve or please others.
Ans 3; thirftyExplanation: thrifty-using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.
extravagant-lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.
upright-strictly honourable or honest.
Ans 4; absurdExplanation: preposterous-contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
Deterrent. something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress.
Ans 5: to go in disguise
Explanation: to go in disguise
Ans 6: careless
Explanation: slipshod characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization.
retaliatory(of an action) characterized by a desire for revenge.
Ans 7: sympathy
Explanation: commiseration mean sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; compassion.
vastness-very great extent or size; immensity.
commendation-formal or official praise.
Ans 8: integrity
Explanation: integrity --the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
rectification-the action of putting something right.
Ans 9: aloneness
Explanation: the state or situation of being alone.- solitude
Ans 10; fanatic
Explanation: fanatic-a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
tolerant- showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviour that one does not necessarily agree with.
impious-showing a lack of respect for God or religion.