GSPESC Vidhya Sahayak Recruitment 2021: Notification out for 600 Academic Assistant Vacancies; Check Here For Details

GSPESC Vidhya Sahayak Recruitment 2021: Notification out for 600 Academic Assistant Vacancies; Check Here For Details Published by: suzan poudel Updated Tue, 06 Apr 2021 09:11 PM IST


GSPESC Vidhya Sahayak Recruitment 2021: Gujarat State Primary Education Selection Commission (GSPESC) has released a notification for the recruitment to the post of Academic Assistant. A total of 600 vacancies have been released out of which 385 are for primary classes (1st to 5th class) and the remaining 215 are for upper primary (6th to 8th class).
Interested candidates can apply for the posts by 19th April 2021.

The important dates in this regard are :

Online Application Start Date - 06th April 2021
Last Date to Apply- 19th April 2021

Vacancies :

Vidhya Sahayak (Class 06 to 08) -215
Vidhya Sahayak (Class 01 to 05) -385

Educational Qualification :

Vidhyasahayak Primary – Candidate must be 12th passed and PTC / D.El.Ed (two years) Or should have Four years of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) Or 2 years Diploma in Education (2 Professional Education). TET-I pass

Vidhyasahayak (Maths and Science) – Candidate should have B.SC. & P.C.T./ D.EL.Ed (02 yrs) OR B.SC with 45% marks and 1-year B.Ed OR 12th pass (Science) with 50% marks and 4 years B.El.Ed OR 12th  pass in Science with 50% marks & 4 years B.El.Ed OR B.Sc with 50% marks & B.Ed (Special Education  with 01 yr). TET-II pass

Vidhyasahayak (Language) – Candidate should have B.A.Ed & P.C.T./ D.EL.Ed (02 yrs) OR B.A.Ed with 45% marks and 1-year B.Ed OR 12th pass with 50% marks and 4 years B.El.or 12th pass with 50% marks and 4 years B.El.Ed OR B.A.Ed with 50% marks & B.Ed (Special Education with 01 yr). TET-II pass

Vidhyasahayak (Social Science) – Candidate should have B.A.Ed/ B.Com.Ed/ B.R.S.Ed/ B.S.Sc.Ed & P.C.T./ D.EL.Ed (02 yrs) OR B.A.Ed/ B.Com.Ed/ B.R.S.Ed/ B.S.Sc.Ed with 45% marks and 1-year B.El.EdOR 12th  pass with 50% marks and 4 years B.El.EdOR 12th pass with 50% marks & B.A.Ed/ B.Com.Ed/ B.R.S.Ed/ B.S.Sc.Ed (04 yrs) OR B.A.Ed/ B.Com.Ed/ B.R.S.Ed/ B.S.Sc.Ed with 50% marks & B.Ed (Special Education with 01 yr)

Salary :

Academic Assistant- Rs. 19,950/- for first 05 (five) years.

Age Limit :

Primary Level

General ( Male) : 18 to 33 years
General (Female): 18 to 38 years
SC/ ST/ SEBC/ EWS ( Male) : 18 to 38 years
SC/ ST/ SEBC/ EWS ( Female): 18 to 43 years
GEN – PH ( Male): 18 to 43 years
GEN – PH (Female): 18 to 45 years
SC/ ST/ SEBC/ EWS – PH (Male & Female): 18 to 45 year

Upper Primary Level

General (Male): 18 to 35 years

General ( Female): 18 to 40 years
SC/ ST/ SEBC/ EWS ( Male): 18 to 40 years
SC/ ST/ SEBC/ EWS ( Female): 18 to 45 years
GEN – PH (Male & Female): 18 to 45 years
SC/ ST/ SEBC/ EWS – PH (Male & Female): 18 to 45 years