HPCL Recruitment 2021 : Apply now for 200 Engineer Posts, Check here for More Details .

Updated Fri, 05 Mar 2021 11:02 AM IST

Source: driverlayer.com

HPCL Recruitment 2021: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is inviting applications from eligible candidates for recruitment for the post of Engineer, Civil, Instrumentation and Electrical Department. Candidates who are interested and fulfil the necessary qualification can apply to the post at the official website @hindustanpetroleum.com

The important dates in regard to this are :

Starting date of application form : 3rd March 2021
Closing date of application form : 15th April 2021


The vacancy wise distribution for the posts is as follows :

• Mechanical Engineer - 120 Posts
• Civil Engineer - 30 Posts
• Electrical Engineer - 25 Posts
• Instrumentation Engineer - 25 Posts


Eligibility Criteria for HPCL Recruitment

Educational Qualification: Candidate must be a graduate Engineering from AICTE approved / UGC
recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks for UR/OBCNC/EWS Candidates & 50% for
SC/ST/PWD candidates .
Students in the final year/semester of the qualifying course are also eligible
to apply for the posts . If selected they will be allowed provisionally to work provided they submit
all the documentary proof at later stages whenever required .


HPCL Recruitment 2021 Age Limit - 25 years For Unreserved Candidates . 5 years relaxation for SC
& ST candidates followed by 3 years for OBC – NCL . 10 years for PWD (UR), 13 years for PWD
(OBCNC) and 15 years for PWD (SC/ST) .


Application fee : UR, OBCNC, and EWS : ₹1180/-
SC, ST & PWD : Nil

HPCL will recruit candidates on the basis of a computer based test, group
task and personal interview. The selected officers will be on probation for a
period of 1 year from the date of joining. Upon successful completion of the
probation period as per norms the officer will be fit for confirmation as per the
notification .

Salary : Rs.50000/- to 160000

Q.What is the opening and closing date of HPCL recruitment
A.3rd March to 15th April 2021
Q.How much salary will be offered for the job
A. Rs.50000/- to 160000/
Q. Which is the link to the official website of HPCL
A. hindustanpetroleum.com
Q.How many posts are out for recruitment
A.200 posts are out for recruitment
Q.What will be the process of selection
A. The selection process will comprise of Computer Based Test , Group Task and then  Personal Interview