AWS Interview Questions And Answers

Safalta Expert Published by: Saksham Chauhan Updated Mon, 19 Sep 2022 11:13 PM IST


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AWS provides other businesses with pay-per-use cloud computing and storage services, including computing power, analytics, content delivery, database storage, and deployment, for the storage and computation on their servers that are handled by Amazon as well as infrastructure maintenance. Scalability, technical assistance during application migration and installation, a reduction in costs and downtime, advanced secured systems for data security, 24/7 mobile access to installed applications, and disaster recovery in the event of power outages or natural disasters are all features of cloud computing.  Click Here To Download  e-book for MS Excel blog

 Questions And Answers for AWS

1. The Amazon Web Service is what?

The public cloud or server farm known as Amazon Web Service (AWS) is run and maintained by Amazon. These servers' storage and processing capacity are available for leasing as a managed service with pay-per-use pricing.

2. What options would be available on an EC2 instance as soon as it is launched if a subnet is built and an EC2 instance is launched in the subnet with default settings?
  • Elastic IP
  • Private IP
  • Public IP OR
  • Internet Gateway
Private IP, which is issued as soon as it is started, would be the ideal choice. Public IP requires an Internet Gateway, and new VPCs should create their own.


Manual setup is necessary for elastic IP.

3. What do subnets serve as a vehicle for?
A big network may be divided into smaller networks using subnets. By rerouting traffic that significantly increases, it will assist in reducing congestion.

4. How would you access Amazon Simple storage buckets and use the data for access audits? What management tool would you employ?
Such situations can make advantage of AWS Cloud Trail, which was created for recording and tracing API requests.

5. An AWS-hosted web application that helps textile and apparel designers forecast the number of garments needed lets users generate photos and perform calculations. Use which of the following services to route incoming user traffic?
  • Classic Load Balancer
  • Application Load Balancer
  • Network Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer would be the ideal option to direct incoming user traffic because it supports
  • path-based routing, which boosts an application's speed.
  • While requests for computation may be sent to servers that are deployed for general computing, such as EC2, requests for rendering pictures cannot.
6. Due to the best discount being given on the portal on Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 AM and 7 PM, a web application that uses auto-scaling experiences the highest levels of online traffic. What strategy would you use for the scaling?
You may set up the auto-scaling policy to scale based on predictable traffic patterns. AWS will also scale up to handle the volume.

7. What AWS storage options would you use if your project budget was really tight?
Extremely affordable storage, data archiving, and backup services are provided by Amazon Glacier. It can thus be chosen.

8. What do you recommend for managing cloud architecture for a startup firm looking to transition to the AWS cloud with sensitive and private customer data?
The business can choose a hybrid cloud architecture, which combines a private cloud or server for sensitive operations with public cloud services for shared resources.

9. What are solutions on the Amazon Cloud?
DevOps teams from Clients utilising the AWS platform frequently run across installation and commissioning problems or blockages that may be resolved with the aid of Amazon Cloud solutions. The AWS team of specialists offers manual and automated deployment guides and instructions for their apps on Amazon's cloud services.

10What facilities are provided under the AWS customer enablement program?
The customer enablement programme includes a number of Amazon products.

They are described below:
  • AWS Support provides technical support, configuration advice, and assistance throughout installation and implementation, helping users enhance performance and speed up the process of putting their applications in the cloud.
  • In order to help clients achieve their business goals with the AWS cloud transition, AWS Professional Services consults with them and helps them develop plans.
  • AWS IQ is a platform that allows users to develop technical help from third-party, Amazon-certified professionals for on-demand advice throughout project development.
  • AWS Training and Certification offers instruction in AWS and cloud-related skills as well as a platform for studying to become an AWS certified professional.
  • On behalf of its business clients and partners, AWS Managed Services manages customers' cloud infrastructure.
11. What does Amazon provide under messaging services?
Through the SMTP interface of Amazon messaging services, cloud clients may interact with their employees about notifications and marketing messages.

The following are some of Amazon's several offerings:
  • AWS's Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fully managed, secure, and accessible messaging service that aids in the decoupling of distributed systems, microservices, and serverless applications. SNS may be launched using the AWS administration panel, command-line interface, or software development kit in a matter of minutes.
  • A fully managed message queue for serverless applications, microservices, and distributed systems is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). The benefit of SQS FIFO ensures that this type of messaging service sends messages in the correct sequence and only once.
  • Sending and receiving email services for casual, notification, and promotional contact are provided by Amazon Simple Email Service (SES).
12. When using Amazon cloud services, what AWS management tools are used?
For AWS cloud users, there are primarily four sorts of management tools.
Which are:
  • technologies for provisioning like RightScale, CloudFormation, and Terraform.
  • Tools for operations management like Rex, Juju, and Ansible.
  • CFEngine, Sumo Logic, and CloudWatch are examples of monitoring and logging technologies.
  • tools for managed services and configuration, such as NixOS, Chef, and Puppet.
13. What range of services does Amazon offer under the heading of Security Identity and Compliance Services?
DevOps team members benefit from having a single point of control for setting and prioritising security alerts and discoveries thanks to Amazon Security Identity and compliance services.

Amazon can give or restrict user authorization and assign security credentials to specific people using identity and access management.
  • By allowing or denying a user access to AWS cloud services, Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) assists in setting up and managing secure access to AWS services and resources.
  • By providing automatic security evaluation services for any vulnerabilities, Amazon Inspector enhances the security and compliance of applications installed on Amazon Web Services in their cloud environment.
  • AWS WAF is a firewall that enables monitoring of HTTP and HTTPS requests delivered to Application Load Balancer, CloudFront, and Amazon API Gateway (Allow, Block, and Verify).
  • For usage with AWS and internally linked services, the AWS certificate manager deploys, maintains, and offers public and private Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates.
14. What does Amazon offer as part of its migration services?
Customers of Amazon migration services can stream data to Amazon S3, Aurora, DynamoDB, DocumentDB, or Redshift to create an identical duplicate of their data from their database system to Amazon's databases.
  • Data may be quickly transferred from an on-premises database to the cloud using Amazon Database Migration Service (DMS), a tool. RDBMS systems including Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are supported by DMS both locally and in the cloud.
  • On-premises workloads can be transferred to the Amazon Web Services cloud with the aid of Amazon Server Migration Services (SMS). Amazon Snowball is a data transit solution for data collecting, machine learning, and processing, as well as storage in poor bandwidth conditions. SMS migrates the client's VMware server to cloud-based Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).
15. Please provide more information on Amazon's analytics offerings.
Traditional data warehouses are unable to give the insights and analytical solutions that Amazon Analytics can from a variety of data kinds.

Below is a list of the many analytics options that Amazon provides:
  • For analysing data from Amazon S3, Amazon Athena is an interactive query tool that is serverless and requires no infrastructure to be managed.
  • Amazon EMR is a managed Hadoop framework for interacting with data storage like S3 and DynamoDB, as well as other frameworks like Spark, HBase, and Presto.
  • Web services for transporting and processing data across AWS compute and storage services are provided by Amazon Data Pipeline.
  • For online applications, Amazon Cloud Search is a managed service that manages and scales search features including highlighting, auto-complete, and geographical search.
  • By installing elastic search API and analytics and integrating them with open source tools Kibana and Logstash for data ingestion and visualisation, Amazon Elasticsearch services search, analyse and visualise data in real-time.
  • Amazon Kinesis is used to gather, process, and analyse streaming data, including video and audio, application logs, IoT telemetry data, etc.
  • With the use of mobile devices or browser-based interactive dashboards, Amazon QuickSight offers business intelligence services that provide insights across the firm.
16. What services does Amazon provide under Compute?
AWS compute is a service that allows users to access processing power provided by Amazon in the form of a physical server within their data centre and use it to install and run client applications on a pay-per-use basis. Amazon offers a number of computing services that vary in performance, advantages, and how much of these resources are used over time.

These products are detailed below:
  • Using Amazon's Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), virtual server instances may be deployed inside the AWS environment. Amazon Machine Images (AMI), User data, storage choices, and security, Instance kinds, Instance purchase options, and Tenancy are further categories for EC2 services.
  • With the aid of AWS Fargate, the engine that enables ECS to run applications packaged in containers, EC2 Container Service (ECS) are the services that allow running applications that are packaged in the container by Docker (a tool that creates, deploys, and runs applications by using Linux containers) across a group of EC2 instances.
  • Once the web application code has been submitted, the managed service known as AWS elastic beanstalk automatically instals the necessary resources within AWS to enable the web application to function. It has resources like elastic load balancing, EC2, autoscaling, and application health monitoring.
  • Without having to manage EC2 instances, AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that runs the application.
  • A web hosting solution for straightforward and compact apps or blogs is Amazon Lightsail.
17. What services are available with AWS Network and Content Delivery Services from Amazon?
By isolating resources and encrypting data, it aids in privately connecting the AWS global network in terms of networking and content delivery, delivering customers' content with high throughput and the least amount of latency or delays.

The following is a list of networking and content delivery services offered by Amazon:
  • A logically isolated area of AWS known as VPC, or Virtual Private Cloud, enables users to launch AWS resources in a virtual network, choose their IP address range, construct subnets with access to Amazon EC2 instances in each subnet, as well as configure route tables and network gateways.
  • Direct connect makes it possible to create a secure link between the client's data centre and AWS, offering higher network performance and bandwidth throughput at lower costs.
  • A very scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service is Route 53. By changing website names to appropriate IP addresses, it facilitates the developer's setting of end-user routes to Internet applications.
18. AWS Global Cloud Infrastructure: What do you mean?
Customers all throughout the world may access cloud infrastructure through AWS. IaaS, or "Infrastructure as a Service," is a term that refers to a service that allows customers to access computation, networking, storage, and virtualization services over Amazon servers on a pay-per-use basis.

The phrases Region, Availability zones, and Edge location are used in global cloud infrastructure. They are described below:
  • Region: The geographical subcontinent or area where Amazon offers its resources to clients through two or more availability zones. Customers can use Amazon's cloud services from anywhere in that area.
  • Availability Zones: These are the towns or cities in the area where Amazon maintains a data centre or data centres that are completely operational and where customers can access all of the company's products and cloud services.
  • The edge location is where networking and content delivery resources are made accessible to Amazon cloud services users, along with additional services including computation, storage, databases, and other services.
19. What does Amazon CloudFront offer and what is it?
A highly scalable and widely dispersed Content Delivery Network service (CDN), Amazon CloudFront safely sends movies, data, and APIs to clients throughout the world. Several AWS technologies, including APIs, the AWS administration panel, AWS CloudFormation, CLIs, and SDKs, are utilised to leverage CDN.

20. Describe AWS DevOps technologies used for cloud software development and deployment.
The DevOps team use the following tools to develop and deliver applications in the AWS cloud:
  • An open-source software development framework for modelling and supplying cloud application resources using well-known programming languages is called the AWS Cloud Development Kit.
  • AWS CodeBuild is a continuous integration service that handles several builds and scales continuously while testing code.
  • AWS CodeDeploy: It assists in automating the distribution of software to any of the available on-premises servers, including Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda, etc.
  • AWS CodePipeline: For quick and precise changes, it automates code received through continuous delivery.
  • The DevOps team uses AWS CodeStar, a user interface, to create, build, and deploy apps on the platform.
  • AWS Device Farm: It serves as a testing ground for various mobile platforms and browsers.
21. What parts makeup AWS Databases?
The following elements make up the majority of an AWS Database:
  • A relational database may be set up, run, and scaled using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), a managed service. Customers of relation database services have a choice of Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MariaDB as their database engines. Additionally, RDS offers AWS database replication and migration services for transferring existing databases to Amazon RDS.
  • A distributed, fault-tolerant, self-healing storage system called Amazon Aurora is run by Amazon RDS.
  • Open source in-memory data stores can be easily installed, operated, and scaled in the cloud thanks to Amazon ElasticCache. ElasticCache provides the following features: Queuing, Geospatial Services, Gaming, Session Stores, and Real-Time Analytics.
  • Amazon DocumentDB: With Amazon DocumentDB, storing, searching for, and indexing data in JSON format is simple.
  • Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value document database that is preferred for mission-critical workloads in mobile, online, gaming, ad tech, IoT, and low-latency data access at any scale.
  • Scalable, highly available, serverless, and compatible with Apache Cassandra, Amazon Keyspaces is a database service.
  • Redshift is a cloud-based data storage system.
  • Neptune: It offers continuous backup through Amazon S3, point-in-time recovery graph database services, and high availability.
  • The Quantum Ledger Database has a configurable document data type, a SQL-like API, and complete support for transactions. It functions as a keyspace without a server.
22. What security standards apply to Amazon EC2 instances?
For an Amazon EC2 instance, the following security procedures are followed:
  • Least Access: Using identity federation, IAM users, and IAM roles to control access to AWS services and APIs.
  • Implementing the least lenient policies for security groups is known as the least privilege.
  • Configuration management involves routinely patching, updating, and securing an instance's operating system and applications.
23. Give examples of possible Amazon EC2 instance storage choices.
The following is a list of Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) storage options:
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Amazon EC2 Instance Store
  • Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Amazon Glacier
24. What are the Amazon EC2 instance's key characteristics?
The following list of Amazon EC2 functionalities is provided:
  • For computing in the AWS public cloud, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) offers virtual computing environments in the form of a virtual server known as an instance, which is requested in the form of a web server.
  • When building your cloud server, EC2 enables pre-configured templates, known as Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for instances, that bundle information like the operating system and extra applications.
  • With EC2, you may set different instance types' CPU, memory, storage, and networking capabilities.
  • Key pair-based protected login information is provided by EC2, with clients saving the private key to securely log in to an AWS cloud server while AWS keeps the public key as an identity for customers.
  • Temporary data is stored in instance store volumes, which are erased when an instance is stopped or terminated.
  • Elastic Block Store by Amazon sometimes referred to as an Amazon EBS volume, is used as a persistent storage volume for our data for computation and storing purposes.
  • Multiple physical locations are provided for resources like instances and Amazon EBS volumes by region and availability zones.
  • A firewall configuration may be made to specify the protocols, ports, and source IP ranges needed to connect to the instances.
  • For dynamic cloud computing, elastic IP addresses are static IPv4 addresses.
  • Resources on Amazon EC2 can be given metadata or have it produced for them.
  • Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) are virtual networks that are separate from the rest of the Amazon Web Services cloud and that may, if necessary, be connected to our private network.

25. The essential elements of Amazon Web Services should be explained.
Below is a description of AWS's primary components:
  • Route 53: It is a web service for the Domain Name System (DNS) that is very scalable. By changing domain names like to its numeric IP address like, it helps direct consumers to Internet applications.
  • Simple Storage Service (S3) is an Amazon web services data storage interface that is extremely scalable, quick, affordable, and dependable.
  • Simple E-mail Service (SES) is a hosted email service that can send transactional, marketing, and notification emails using SMTP or a Restful API request.
  • For owners of AWS accounts, Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides identity and security management services. We may use it to manage users and user groups and grant or prohibit access to AWS resources.
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is the core component of AWS and is in charge of providing flexible and on-demand computing resources. The deployment of virtual servers and assistance with security, networking, and storage configuration is provided by EC2.
  • Elastic Block Store (EBS): It provides a continuous storage system that may be thought of as a hard disc in this context. Storage volumes may be created using EBS and connected to Amazon EC2 instances.
  • CloudWatch: It collects important information and generates a number of alerts to alert users in the event of an issue. Administrators can keep an eye on several resources and instances, including virtual instances in EC2, databases in RDS, data stored in S3, elastic load balancers, and auto-scaling groups, using CloudWatch.

26. What distinguishing qualities does Amazon Web Services (AWS) have?
The following is a list of AWS's key features:
  • Data Management and Data Transfer
  • Compute & Networking
  • Storage
  • Automation and Orchestration
  • Operations and Management
  • Visualization
  • Security and Compliance
27. What advantages would migrating to the cloud offer for businesses?
The following advantages will accrue to organisations who move their apps and infrastructure to the public cloud:
  • Scalability: Cloud allows scaling up or down based on consumption; for computation and storage, you simply need to pay per use.
  • Reliability: Cloud companies promise a 99.999999% uptime for their infrastructure, with various levels of redundancy and backups available just in case.
  • Security: The majority of cloud service providers adhere to industry-standard security regulations like HIPAA and PCI, give access limits to applications and systems at various levels, and provide monitoring services with extremely fine granularity to set off alarms.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Switching to the cloud for new businesses offers the advantages of cost savings by avoiding the need to invest in pricey servers and manage and maintain them. Companies just pay for the computing and storage resources that they use each month.

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