30+ Easiest Digital Jobs that Pay you Well in India

Priya Bawa

She has started her career as a Content Writer and writes on blogs related to career.

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A growing number of individuals are abandoning the 9-to-5 grind, and the gig economy is at an all-time high. The choice is no longer between doing and not doing. It has correctly switched to: What are the legitimate work-from-home jobs in India? As a result, this article contains a list of simple work-from-home jobs in India. Finally, there's the internet to help you identify employment that is a good fit for you. This article contains a list of the best work-from-home jobs in India.

Source: Safalta

Your profits from these greatest online jobs working from home in India are entirely up to you. You understand where your concentration should be since it is proportional to your ability.
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Table of Contents:
Easiest Digital Jobs

Easiest Digital Jobs:
1) Graphic Artist:
Most people are familiar with the phrase "graphic designer." This is the ideal job for everyone who believes themselves to be creative. To make a career, graphic designers frequently work as freelancers, manage their agency, or work remotely for bigger corporations. Because the epidemic has compelled firms to relocate their activities online, it has become even more appealing to digital nomads.
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2) Writer of Digital Content:
The first possibility is to work as a digital content writer. E-reading is becoming increasingly popular. Websites, online newspapers, and other forms of digital content have significantly raised the need for digital content writers. As a result, they can readily offer information online within the time range specified. Writing down stuff necessitates your knowledge and experience. Your choice of words adds to the intrigue. It necessitates careful consideration and extensive background study on the subject. As a result, your knowledge and abilities will improve.
3) Managers of Social Media:
Nowadays, social networking services are the most popular. We spend hours browsing through the handles of Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. By posting or promoting multiple posts, you may transform social media into an online work-from-home career. It also allows you to make money by managing the social media accounts of other brands and businesses.

4) YouTuber:
You may easily earn a lot of money by making and advertising videos on YouTube. Your films can be about anything, such as cooking, teaching, speeches, online reviews, viewing gaming videos, video blogging, and so on.
5) UX/UI designer:
Right now, UX or UI designers are in high demand; these positions often pay well and enable you to work from anywhere. You'll need particular training and experience to be employed in either instance. You should certainly brush up on your expertise and gain some experience before attempting to generate money with one of them.
6) Web designer:
What do we do when we require information or assistance? Do we go to the doctor, ask a friend, or consult the encyclopedia? Unfortunately, we don't always! We use Google to find the information we require on many websites. And, since there are so many websites on the internet, web developers, who are in charge of establishing and maintaining them, are in high demand. And, since there are so many websites on the internet, web developers, who are in charge of establishing and managing websites, are in great demand. As a result, it's no wonder that people can easily find jobs and work from anywhere in the globe.
7) Begin selling on e-commerce platforms:
Thanks to technological advancements, you may now develop and manage a variety of businesses from the comfort of your own home. E-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon are excellent venues to begin selling your things and beginning your business. E-commerce websites are extremely competitive, but good marketing may help you stand out.
8) Make Your Book:
This one is for the writers out there. Could you write and publish your book? You can write about anything that interests you. There is a market for everything, whether it be fiction or short tales, self-help books or memoirs. Once your book is released, you must correctly advertise it, and you make money every time someone buys it. If you are having difficulty finding publishers for your book, you might publish e-books on platforms such as Kindle.
9) Baker at Home:
Do you have a passion for baking? If you spend much of your leisure time experimenting with new recipes, why not sell your creations and make some money? If you enjoy baking, you probably have everything you need to get started. Begin with one or two of your favorite recipes and work your way up. Sell your wares in your neighborhood or advertise them on meal delivery websites and apps.
10) Designer of brands:
Unlike graphic designers, who are primarily responsible for a brand's visual communication, brand designers establish a company's or brand's unique visual identity. Colors, typefaces, and other aspects that correspond with the idea behind the brand or specific campaign are carefully chosen by brand designers. They collaborate closely with brand strategists to make their concepts a reality.
11) Brand strategist:
Congratulations, you have satisfied the primary prerequisites for the post of brand strategist if you are a skilled and goal-oriented strategist. Brand strategists are in charge of the long-term visual depiction of a company/brand. To achieve outcomes in line with the company/brand strategy, they must work with the managers and executives of other divisions.
12) Chat Positions:
Chat positions use your abilities to develop and sustain digital connections to handle customer problems through a chat support role or to administer the live chat on a website. These professions need strong communication skills as well as a grasp of client behavior, making them critical in today's digital-first company environment. Computer and IT professions are more than simply technology. They form the digital backbone of any corporation. They are concerned with maintaining smooth operations, whether you are an IT manager orchestrating projects or a tech support professional delving into diagnostics.
13) Data Analyst Positions:
A data analyst profession is a great fit for someone who has a sharp eye for patterns and accuracy. You will sort through data to provide insights that will drive decision-making. With the ability to work from anywhere in the world, you may discover your greatest digital nomad job combing through Salesforce data or assisting the healthcare business.
14) Create Passive Income Streams:
Working for money is not always enough; you must also make your money work for you. If you have extra money or a substantial amount of savings and are prepared to invest it, you can make a lot of money. You can generate passive income by investing in equities or mutual funds. You might also purchase and rent single-family dwellings. This will need a significant initial commitment and maintenance on your part, but once established, these sources may provide income for you even while you sleep.
15) Domain Purchase and Sale:
Buying and selling domains is a fantastic company that you can run from the comfort of your own home with no effort. It's as easy as it sounds. Visit domain buying and selling websites. Buy famous domain names for a set price and resell them for a profit to people in need. Make certain that you get domain names from well-known and reputable websites. Also, while purchasing a domain, ensure that it is SEO-friendly.
16) Affiliate marketing:
Affiliate marketers are compensated for introducing new consumers and clients to other companies via websites, linked postings, emails, or social media posts. Affiliate marketing may be a lucrative source of income, but it is not for everyone. Affiliate marketers are compensated for introducing new consumers and clients to other companies via websites, linked postings, emails, or social media posts. Affiliate marketing may be a lucrative source of income, but it is not for everyone. You must have a website or a social media account with an active and trusting following. You must spend months, if not years, cultivating your relationship with your audience. However, once you have a loyal following, you might begin collaborating with brands or e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Flipkart. You are paid a percentage of every purchase made through your affiliate link.
17) App Designer:
Another well-paying alternative on our list of digital nomad jobs is the App Developer position. Another well-paying alternative on our list of digital nomad jobs is the App Developer position. You have two alternatives for getting started in app development: work for a firm or establish your own. This category includes almost any organization, large or small, that wishes to provide mobile services to its clients or workers.
18) Begin a Podcast:
If you have something to say but aren't very good at writing, you might start a podcast. Your podcast episodes are similar to blog posts. Almost anybody can create a podcast, even if they lack technical abilities. All required is a topic that interests you and some equipment, such as a microphone and a computer. Once you've launched your podcast, you may monetize it by incorporating affiliate links into your episodes or hosting sponsored episodes. You can ultimately start selling your items or courses to your podcast listeners, just like you can with blogging.
19) Product and Website Evaluation:
This one is for all of you techies out there. Many newly introduced goods and websites need testing. Testing is a full-time job, but you may supplement your income by doing it on the side. This work entails testing websites for issues and reporting them. During product testing, you will be able to try out beta versions and various prototypes and provide feedback on them.
20) Videography:
Videography is the entire process of creating a video, from scripting to filming to editing. The bulk of digital nomad videographers make their income through post-production, but some go to film places as customers want. Furthermore, some mobile videographers create and market sampling video footage, however, they do so as freelancers on Fiverr rather than as small businesses with established clients.
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1) Why Infographics is Important for SEO in Business Development
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21) Drop the Servicer:
Drop servicing is the "next level" of freelancing because it doesn't require much experience. The main downside of freelancing is that your earning potential is limited. After all, you can only earn as much as you have time to devote to client tasks. You may, however, overcome this problem with a drop-servicing business. Essentially, you discover clients who want assistance with a service (such as email marketing or graphic design).
In this manner, you benefit without doing any of the real labor! Your revenue is no longer constrained by the amount of projects you can finish in a single day. Your revenue is no longer constrained by the amount of projects you can finish in a single day. Because all of the labor has been outsourced, your only limitation is the number of sales you can close. This considerably simplifies the path to a six-figure wage, and maybe beyond! The best thing is that you don't even need to know how to do the service you'll be providing. You merely serve as the go-between. While it may sound simple, deploying everything (and subsequently automating the entire firm) involves several moving components.
22) Financial advisers:
Many organizations now hire financial advisors remotely, allowing an increasing number of people to work from home. Another possibility is to get consumers through freelancing employment. You will be able to assist your clients in resolving their financial problems if you have the necessary certifications and expertise.
23) Bookkeeping Online:
Because small and medium-sized enterprises have limited resources and office space, they choose to outsource certain services. One of them is bookkeeping. A virtual bookkeeper is a professional who works remotely and performs bookkeeping, tax compliance, and other related financial activities for customers using modern technologies.
Most people confuse a bookkeeper with an accountant. However, the tasks of a bookkeeper and an accountant are very different. A formal degree is not required for a bookkeeper. They often do responsibilities such as bill payment, payment collection, and so on. In general, a bookkeeper is in charge of keeping track of all the company's credits and debits. One of the most profitable Internet companies is bookkeeping. You might make up to $40,000 every month. Keep an eye out for virtual bookkeeping jobs on websites like Indeed.
24) Online Counseling:
Online counseling is just an alternative to traditional face-to-face counseling. Most individuals nowadays prefer Internet therapy to conventional counseling since it is more comfortable, convenient, and, in most circumstances, less expensive. If you are a licensed counselor or have counseling expertise, you may earn some additional money by doing it online as well. Counseling, on the other hand, necessitates being exceedingly empathic and an excellent listener.
Counseling, on the other hand, necessitates being exceedingly empathic and an excellent listener. You will be dealing with clients who have a variety of mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression. People who are dealing with family, marriage, or job challenges may also require counseling. As a result, there is a lot of room for profit.
25) SEO Professional:
You won't have much success selling anything online unless you apply search engine optimization tactics. In today's digital world, if your company isn't on the top five pages of Google, it doesn't exist.
26) Remote Employee:
It's easy to dismiss the significance of this digital nomad employment. You will not need to learn any new abilities if you continue to work in your current career while traveling. Because of the pandemic quarantines, businesses are concluding that most jobs can be performed from home. They can be done remotely if they can be done from a beach in Costa Rica. If your boss has doubts, you may undertake a test run. Request permission to work from home only one day each week, and then demonstrate that you are more productive and useful while working remotely.
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27) Software Engineer:
Software Developers, Programmers, Coders, and Software Engineers employ programming languages to construct diverse applications. Their job is organically laptop-based and not location-dependent, making it easily suitable for a digital nomad lifestyle. Furthermore, these individuals are always in great demand, and there are several remote employment prospects.
28) Technical Sales Representative:
Tech Sales Representatives offer complicated tech-related items and services such as software programs, hardware, and IT support. They are in charge of investigating possible clients, contacting suitable leads, generating bids, and negotiating contract conditions. Although these individuals contact consumers regularly, their meetings are often held online. A profession in IT sales is an excellent alternative for a digital nomad. 
29) Analyst for Business:
Business analysts examine data to gain a better understanding of how a business runs, find areas for improvement and make recommendations to make work more efficient. In other words, a business analyst's major job obligation is to communicate with numerous stakeholders, assess the company's needs, and propose improvements, whether in the analysis process, information systems, or organizational structure.
30) Consultant in Security:
A security consultant finds flaws in a company's computer systems, networks, or software tools and recommends ways to improve security. They also create security policies, assist with their alignment with regulatory standards, and educate them.
31) Illustrator:
Illustrators produce two-dimensional graphics for use in books, periodicals, newspapers, comic books, user manuals, marketing materials, and other media. Most of the time, they operate remotely and determine their working hours based on their workload and deadlines. Illustrator is another excellent option for digital nomads. ployees.
An increasing number of people are quitting their 9-to-5 jobs, and the gig economy is at an all-time high. There is no longer an option between doing and not doing. It has been changed to: What are the genuine work-from-home jobs in India? As a result, this post includes a list of straightforward work-from-home opportunities in India. Finally, the internet can assist you in locating jobs that are a suitable fit for you. This article includes a list of the greatest work-from-home opportunities in India. It is totally up to you how much money you make from these best online jobs working from home in India. You know where your focus should be since it is proportionate to your skill.

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Which simple job pays the most?

  • Groundskeeper.
  • Librarian.
  • Appraiser.
  • Therapist of massage.
  • Insurance adjuster.
  • Accountant's assistant.
  • Driver of a garbage truck.
  • Representative of customer service.

Which job in India pays one crore rupees per month?

Possible careers that pay more than one crore every month include: Entrepreneur - This one is pretty self-explanatory. Content creators may range from actors to directors to screenwriters to YouTubers. A CEO is a manager.

Is a salary of 7 lakh rupees a decent one in India?

A salary of 7 lakhs per year might be considered a good pay in India, depending on your area, industry, and personal financial objectives. It may be adequate for a decent living in certain locations, but it may be insufficient in more costly cities.

How does a fresher obtain a bundle worth 12 lakh?

Obtain a degree in a well-paying field: Software development, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing are some of the high-paying areas for freshers in India. Obtaining a degree or certification in one of these disciplines can help you land a high-paying career.

Who has a monthly income of one lakh rupees?

Work as a business consultant: Finance, IT, supply chain management, marketing, HR, engineering, operations, legal, and security are all possible careers. This is an excellent method for learning how to make one lakh each month.

What is the most in-demand job in India?

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • UX Designer. Blockchain Engineer.
  • Engineer in Cyber Security.
  • Cloud programmer.
  • Engineer in DevOps.
  • Specialist in digital marketing.

Which is the happiest job in India?

With a score of 6.4 on The Happiness Test, those in Events & Hospitality were the happiest. People working in travel and tourism came in second with 5.6. With a score of 5.3, Industry and Manufacturing was not far behind.

How can you make ten lakhs each month?

E-commerce: Starting an e-commerce shop that sells items such as apparel, accessories, or gadgets can result in considerable earnings. Digital marketing firm: Create a digital marketing agency that provides organizations with services like as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and content marketing.

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