AFCAT- 2021 Process to Apply

Updated Tue, 15 Dec 2020 05:03 PM IST

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Aspirants for IAF are required to apply online by using the link, or Aadhaar Card is mandatory for online registration. Detailed instructions for filling in the online application form are appended below:- 

(a) Applicants need to exercise utmost care while filling in the online application. In case any information is found to be incorrect, the candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage of the selection process. Please verify the correctness of information entered in all the fields before proceeding with the “Make Payment” option. Applicants will not be able to edit the previous details entered after the selection of “Course Preferences” step and after the “Make Payment” step. 

(b) If an applicant has submitted more than one application, only the latest submitted application form against a particular Aadhaar Number, will be considered for issue of  Admit Card. However, the fee deposited while filling additional applications will not be refundable. 

(c) Applicants will be required to complete the process of Online Application form which will have the following sequences. Details in tabular form are given in Para 7 (h) below:- 

(i) Click “CANDIDATE LOGIN’’ on the Home page- leads to AFCAT Sign-in.  

(ii) On the next page, applicants need to click “NOT YET REGISTERED? REGISTER  HERE”

(iii) Sign Up: Creation of Login ID and applicant will receive a password in his/her registered email id. 

(iv) After successful registration, sign-in with registered email id and a system-generated password. 

(v) Reset Password- Log-Out (candidates must remember their login ID and password for future use during the examination process). 

(vi) Fresh Log-in. 

(vii) Selection of Entry: “AFCAT”; “NCC SPECIAL ENTRY FOR FLYING  BRANCH”. 

(viii) Click “INSTRUCTIONS”. Read the instructions carefully. 

(ix) Acknowledgement of having read and understood instructions- Checkbox to proceed to the next stage.


  • Personal Information. Fill in details.  

Click “SAVE AND CONTINUE” to proceed to next stage 

  • Qualification Details. Fill in details.  

Click “SAVE AND CONTINUE” to proceed to next stage 

  • Course Preference. Fill in details.  

Click “SAVE AND CONTINUE” to proceed to the next stage 

  • Communication Details. Fill in details. 

Click “SAVE AND CONTINUE” to proceed to next stage 

  • Upload Documents. Upload recent Photo, Signature & Thumb  Impression (size of each jpg/ jpeg file to be between 10 and 50 kb). Application with inappropriate images will be considered invalid and the candidature will be rejected along with other counterfeit entries, whenever detected at any stage of the selection process. 

  • Exam City Selection. Select from the drop-down menu 

  • Declaration 

Click “SAVE AND CONTINUE” to proceed to next stage 

(xi) Click “MAKE PAYMENT”- Online (applicable only for AFCAT) 

(xii) Click “PAYMENT STATUS” to view whether payment is successful. If the Registration Number is displayed, it implies that the payment is successful.  

(xiii) For AFCAT Candidates Only: After 05 Feb 21 click “DOWNLOAD ADMIT  CARD” to download your Admit Card from the website and you will also receive admit card on your registered email ID. If the candidate does not receive his/ her admit card in their registered email id or is not able to download the same from the mentioned website, he/ she is required to enquire from AFCAT Query  Cell at C-DAC, Pune. (Phone Nos: 020-25503105 or 020-25503106). E-Mail queries may be addressed to [email protected]

(d) While filling in the online application, the applicant must ensure that he/ she meets all the eligibility conditions including the educational qualification which must conform to the guidelines/ norms of the relevant educational board/ UGC, as reviewed and updated from time to time. The applicants are advised to keep the relevant documents ready, as details are to be filled in as per matriculation and other educational certificates. The educational qualifications  filled by the applicant should correspond to the Entry Level Qualification (ELQ) as given in  Para 5 (c) of this notification. If any of the eligibility conditions is not met, the candidature is  liable to be rejected at any stage during the selection process and the onus of the same would be on the candidate himself/ herself. With regard to Integrated degree programmes, the following are the prevailing UGC guidelines:-

(i) Integrated/ Dual Degree. As per the guiding principles laid down by UGC, if the  Integrated/ Dual Degree Programmes intend to offer two separate degrees with an  option for interim exit or lateral entry, the duration of the Integrated/ Dual Degree  Programme must not be less than the duration equal to the sum total of the prescribed  duration of the two degrees that are being combined in the programme. All such  programmes should carry the nomenclature of Integrated/ Dual Degree (Name of the  first degree) - (Name of the final degree); both the degrees awarded under the programme should be individually and separately recognised as equivalent to  corresponding degrees and not as one single integrated degree).  

(ii) Integrated Single Degree. If the Integrated Programme intends to offer a single degree without permission to exit and lateral entry, the programme duration may be  relaxed by not more than 25% of the sum total of the prescribed duration of the two degrees that are being combined to make the single integrated degree. 

(e) Before filling in the online application, an applicant should have the following scanned  images saved as jpg/ jpeg files (size of each file to be between 10 and 50 kb) 

(i) Recent passport size colour photograph 

(ii) Signature  

(iii) Thumb impression (left thumb for male applicants and right thumb for female  applicants) - created by pressing on ink stamp pad and then on plain blank paper 

(f) While filling in the online application form, applicants are required to click “SAVE AND  CONTINUE” to complete the process of each part. If the mandatory fields (marked by a red  asterisk (*)) are not filled, the “SUBMIT” button would not be enabled for the applicants to click  and proceed to the next part of the application form. 

(g) Once the “Course Preference” stage is saved, applicants will not be able to edit/ modify  previous data in the “Personal Information” and “Qualification details” pages. Only the  “Communication Details” page can be edited, if an applicant wishes to do so. After the “Make  Payment” step, applicants will be able to check the “Payment Status” as well as “Preview  Application”. However, no further changes or correction is possible in the online application  form. Thereafter, the only option for an applicant, if an application is to be amended, is to re register with a different email id and fill the online application form anew. The fee paid,  including on any additional online application form(s), will not be refundable.  

(h) Examination fee for AFCAT Entry. After filling in the online application form, the  examination fee of Rs. 250/- (non-refundable) for AFCAT entry (not applicable for NCC  special entry) may be paid online through the ‘Make Payment’ step on the main menu of the  online application. No cash or cheque or demand draft (DD) will be accepted towards payment  of examination fee. The examination fee can be paid using credit/ debit cards/ net banking  through the payment gateway. Applicants are advised to follow the instructions/ steps given on  the payment gateway, and also print/keep the transaction details for their records. After  confirmation from the bank that the payment is received, the “Payment Status” will display  “Registration Number” which the candidate may note down for future correspondence. 

Simultaneously, the candidate will receive a confirmatory sms/ e-mail. This will be followed by an Admit Card (with the Hall Ticket Number) which a candidate will receive on his/her registered  email ID and which is also downloadable from his/her registered email ID.  

(j) Detailed instructions on filling in the online application form:

S. No 


1. Sign up Format


Full Name 

As per 10th Matriculation Passing Certificate- all in an alphabet of max 50 characters


Father’s Name 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters


Mother’s Name 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters


Email id 

email id (to be used for Sign-in)





Mobile Number 

10 digits 


Secret Question 

Select one from options


Secret Answer 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters



Enter alphanumeric text shown 

2. Personal Information


Type of Entry

Applicant has to choose entry to IAF through one  of the options 

(i) AFCAT 

(ii) NCC Special Entry


Candidate’s Name (As  per 10th/matriculation  passing certificate)

These fields will be auto filled from the signup data  entered by the applicant.


Candidate’s Father’s  Name (As per  


passing certificate)


Candidate’s Mother’s  Name (As per  10th/matriculation  

passing certificate)


Email Address



Secondary Email  Address

Email id other than which the applicant has signed up with





Mobile Number



Candidate’s Visible  Identification Mark 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters



Applicant has to choose Passed/ Failed/ Not  appeared;  

If passed fill the details from (i) to (iv)



CPSS/PABT Batch  Number 

Numeric Value


CPSS/PABT Date of  Passing 



CPSS/PABT Chest  No. 

Numeric Value


CPSS/PABT attended  at which Air Force  Selection Board

Choose one from the list Dehradun, Gandhinagar,  Mysore, Varanasi


Do you have a current  valid Commercial Pilot  License issued by  DGCA?

Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’


Are you serving  Airman of IAF?

Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ 

If Yes, fill the details from (i) to (iv)


Select Rank in IAF 

Choose one from the list


Service Number 



Current Posted Unit 



Select Command 

Choose one from the list


Select Gender 

Male or Female


Select Marital Status 

Married or Unmarried


Date of Birth 



Confirm your Date of  Birth 


3. Qualification Details


Education Level

Choose one from the list 

10 + 2 + Graduation 

10 + 2 + Graduation + Post Graduation 

10 + 2 + Integrated Post Graduation


Select Graduation  Level

Choose one from the list, based on the above  selection 

Graduate Options A 

Graduate Options B 

Graduate Options C 

Graduate Options D


Select Qualification Degree

For Group ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘D’ Choose from  


- Bachelor of Engineering 

- Bachelor of Technology 

For Option ‘C’ enter B.Com etc.


Course Duration (in  years)

Numeric (4) four years for ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘D’ 

Numeric (3) three years for ‘C’


Name of College/  Institute 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters


Name of University 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters


Date/ Expected date  of obtaining the 






Enter Aggregate/  Gross Percentage 

Numeric 2 digit 


Do you have Current backlog? 

Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’


10+2 / Higher Secondary School Details


Enter Aggregate/  Gross Percentage as  per your 10+2 / Higher  Secondary School  Mark Sheet

Numeric 2 digit 


Enter Physics  Percentage as per  your 10+2/ Higher  Secondary School  Mark Sheet. Enter 0  (Zero), if not  applicable.

Numeric 2 digit 


Enter Mathematics  Percentage as per  your 10+2/ Higher  Secondary School  Mark Sheet. Enter 0  (Zero), if not  applicable.

Numeric 2 digit 

4. Course Preference



Applicant to select from the list of courses 

- Flying 

- Ground Duty (Technical) 

- Ground Duty (Non-Technical) 

A list of courses would be displayed for which a  candidate is eligible as per the education qualification  and age. Candidates are to mandatorily choose all  courses as per their own preference. The registration  process would not proceed further till the time all courses  have been selected by the candidate. Candidates eligible  for technical branch have to additionally select EKT  paper as per their preference. 

5. NCC


NCC Air Wing “C” Certificate 

If applicant is joining through NCC 


Serial No. 



Name of NCC Unit 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters



Numeric 4 digit (YYYY)

6. AFSB/ SSB appeared   Candidates

Applicant has to choose Passed/ Failed/ Not  appeared;  

If Passed fill details from (a) to (e)


Batch No. 



Enter Place Of  Appearing 




No of Days at AFSB 



7. Source of AFCAT information




List of information Newspaper, Employment News





Year of appearing 

Numeric 4 digit



GATE Score 

Numeric 2 digit


9. Communication Details


(a) Permanent Address



Enter Full Address 

Alphabet and Numbers of maximum 100  characters



Select State/Union  Territories 

Choose any one from list of states displayed 



Select City 

Choose any one from list of cities displayed 



Pin Code 

Numeric 6 digits



Nearest Railway  Station 

Alphabet of maximum 50 characters



Landline Number 

STD code and Landline  

Numeric 11 digit



Aadhaar Card  Number

12 digit numeric number of the applicant as  appearing in Aadhaar card issued by UIDAI.



Check if Permanent  Address is same as  Correspondence  


If ticked, the Permanent address details are  populated in the Correspondence address.


(b) Correspondence Address



Full Address 

In alphabet and numbers of maximum 250  characters




Choose any one from list displayed




Choose any one from list displayed



Pin Code 

Numeric 6 digits



Nearest Railway  Station 

In alphabet of maximum 50 characters


10. Upload Documents 

Size of each file is to be between 10 KB and 50KB




Upload un-attested recent passport size colour  photograph (front portrait without headgear, except  for Sikhs)




Upload scanned image of own signature in JPEG/  JPG format 



Thumb Impression 

Upload scanned impression of the thumb in  JPEG/ JPG format 



Declaration by the  candidate 



11. Select Exam City 

5 choices based on preference from the list of  exam cities as mentioned in Para 8 (f)



(k) Applicants are strongly advised to apply online well in time to avoid the last  minute rush leading to website/ server slowdown. 

(l) Serving Airmen. Serving Airmen are required to apply like other applicants. In  addition, they would have to apply as per the service format given in AFO 11/ 2015 through the service channel. 

(m) NOC for Government Employees. The applicants who are already in Government  Service including serving in the Armed Forces, Government-owned industrial undertakings or  other similar organizations also need to apply only after obtaining necessary permission  from their departments concerned and they are required to produce NOC at the time of  AFSB testing, failing which they will be routed back without being tested. NOC is mandatory  irrespective of the candidate being a permanent, temporary or Contractual employee. 

(n) Permission of Employer. Candidates should note that in case communication is  received from their employer to withhold permission to the candidates who have applied for/  appearing in the examination, their candidature is liable to be cancelled. In case the employer  refuse to provide NOC for any reason, that refusal is to be taken in writing and submitted to  AFSB. 

(o) Applicants are not required to submit any certificate, along with their applications, in  support of their claims regarding age, educational qualifications, etc. However, certain  mandatory documents are required to be carried in original at exam centres

(p) Contact/ Reference Details during Registration & Communication. While filling in  the application form, the applicants must ensure that they provide their valid and active e-mail  IDs as the IAF would use electronic mode of communication while contacting them at different  stages throughout the selection process. On successful submission of online application form,  the candidate will receive a confirmatory e-mail on their registered e-mail ID. As such, all  communication to the IAF should invariably contain the following particulars without which no  request would be entertained. 

(i) Branch, Course Number and Year of Examination. 

(ii) Transaction Number (for queries on payment). 

(ii) Registration Number (as given in Payment Status & Admit Card). 

(iii) Hall Ticket Number (as given in Admit Card). 

(iv) Name of Applicant (in full and in block letters).

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