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Ananya Shree

Class 11th
2 years ago

Write an account of the role of mineral elements in a plant.

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Muskan Anand

2 years ago

Role of the mineral elements: Plants require mineral elements for various metabolic activities of their body. The following are some of the important functions which the mineral elements perform: (i) Constituents of the plant body: Elements form the constitution of the plant body. For example carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are essential for the production of carbohydrates hence they are termed framework elements. Nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus are required for the synthesis of proteins. Magnesium is an important part of the chlorophyll molecule (ii) Influence on the pH of the cell sap: They also influence the pH of the cell sap. (iii) Maintenance of osmotic pressure in the plant cells: The mineral salts and organic compounds of the cell sap produce necessary osmotic pressure. (iv) They influence the permeability of cytoplasmic membrane: Different minerals decrease or increase the permeability of plasma membrane. (v) They have balancing function reactions: Some of the minerals balance the effects of the other. (vi) They take part in enzymatic reactions: Some elements work as activators while others work as inhibitors in various enzymatic reactions.

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