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Sachin Yadav

UP Board 10th Class 2021 (For Hindi Medium Students)
About UP Board Crash Course
2 years ago

what is computer

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Sachin Kumar

2 years ago

computer is an electronic device which helps in manipulation of data or information in binary form and also performs calculation more faster than human.

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Rajat Dwivedi

2 years ago

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Ashok Kumar

2 years ago

कंप्यूटर एक ऐसी में इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मशीन है जो डाटा तथा निर्देशों को इनपुट के रूप में ग्रहण करता है तथा आवश्यक परिणाम को एक निश्चित प्रारूप के रूप में निर्गत करता है,कम्प्यूटर कहलाता है

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Vidhi Dubey

2 years ago

computer is an electronic device which is for storing ,processing of data it is typically in binary form according to instructions which we gave to the variable program.

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Hasuma Bhakti

2 years ago

computer is an electronic machine which can process data,store and retrieve data and can perform calculations faster and efficiently than humans.

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