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Annu Verma

UP Board 10th Class 2021 (For Hindi Medium Students)
About UP Board Crash Course
3 years ago

what is photodiode?

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3 years ago

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Vaibhav Bhai

3 years ago

A photodiode is a semiconductor p-n junction device that converts light into an electrical current....

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Vaibhav Bhai

3 years ago

it is a definition

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Vaibhav Bhai

3 years ago

you should learn It

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Vaibhav Bhai

3 years ago

for more you can comment again

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Vaibhav Bhai

3 years ago

thanks God bless you

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Akash Singh

3 years ago

A photo diode is asinierconducter

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Ashok Kumar

3 years ago

 यदि फोटोडायोड किसी लोड से जुडा है और इस पर प्रकाश आपतित होता है, तो इसमें विद्युत धारा बहने लगती है। सौर सेल भी एक फोटोडायोड है जिसका उपयोग प्रकाश से विद्युत ऊर्जा प्राप्त करने के लिये किया जाता है।

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Ashok Kumar

3 years ago

A photodiode is a semiconductor p-n junction device that converts light into an electrical current. ... Photodiodes may contain optical filters, built-in lenses, and may have large or small surface areas. Photodiodes usually have a slower response time as their surface area increases

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Abhi DubeY

3 years ago

for question

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Abhi DubeY

3 years ago


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