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Thakur Sahil

UP Board 10th Class 2021 (For Hindi Medium Students)
About UP Board Crash Course
3 years ago

Who is the biggest and smallest bird in the world

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Dileep Vishwakarma

3 years ago

biggest bird---ostrich smallest bird-- hummingbird

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Abhi DubeY

3 years ago

The Smallest Bird in the world is the Bee Hummingbird of Cuba and the Isle of Youth, one of Cuba's islands. ... The Largest, Heaviest Flying Bird today is the Kori Bustard of Africa, males weigh about 18kg, females about half that.

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Abhi DubeY

3 years ago

biggest bird---ostrich 

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Vaibhav Bhai

3 years ago

सबसे बड़ा पक्षी-- शुतुरमुर्ग सबसे छोटा पक्षी-- हमिंग बर्ड

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