NMDC LTD Various Vacancy Admit card 2021 Released: Download Written Exam Admit Card

Safalta Expert Published by: Kirti Singh Updated Sun, 12 Dec 2021 03:44 PM IST


Have you downloaded the Admit Card for the various post of NMDC ltd? The admit card has been released on December 11, 2021.

Source: Safalta.com

NMDC LTD (National Mineral Development Corporation Limited) has organized the Written Test of Various Vacancies like Maintenance Assistant, Field Assistant, Blaster & MCO on December 27, 2021. The admit card for the NMDC ltd Various Vacancies has been released on the official website i.e.
nmdc.co.in. There is a total of 304 vacancies available for the different posts of NMDC LTD.
The admit card for the same has been released on December 11, 2021. Hence, the candidate waiting for the admit card can now download it from the website. Here you will be able to know all the steps to download the admit card for the various vacancies of NMDC Ltd.

NMDC Limited 2021 Various Vacancy Exam date Released


NMDC LTD Various Vacancy Admit card 2021: How to download Admit Card?

The candidate who appeared in the exam can download the admit card from the official website. Below are the steps to download the admit card for the various vacancies of NMDC LTD:
  • Visit the official website of NMDC ltd i.e. nmdc.co.in.
  • Now click on the link for NMDC LTD Various Vacancy Admit card 2021.
  • Enter all your login credentials like registration number and date of birth.
  • Click on submit button.
  • Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download it and take the printout for future use.

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NMDC LTD Various Vacancy Admit card 2021: FAQs

Q1. What is the full form of NMDC ltd?

A. The full form of NMDC ltd is National Mineral Development Corporation Limited.

Q2. How many vacancies are there for various posts in NMDC ltd?

A. There are a total of 304 vacancies available for various posts of NMDC Ltd.

Q3. When did the admit card for various vacancies of NMDC ltd released?

A. The admit card for the various vacancies of NMDC ltd has been released on December 11, 2021.

Q4. When is the exam date of NMDC ltd various vacancies?

A. The exam date for NMDC various vacancies has been scheduled for December 27, 2021.

Q5. What is the selection process of NMDC ltd for various vacancies?

A. The selection process of NMDC ltd for various vacancies consists of 3 stages i.e. Written Test, Physical Ability Test, Trade Test.

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