OPSC ASO Revised Skill Test Date 2022 : Check Here!

Safalta Expert Published by: Saksham Chauhan Updated Fri, 18 Nov 2022 11:53 PM IST


The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has posted on its official website the amended talent test schedule for the position of Assistant Section Officer (ASO). In accordance to Advt. No. 26 of 2021–2022, a computer proficiency test for the job of Assistant Section Officer will be held on December 4, 2022. The OPSC ASO Revised Skill Test Date 2022 may be downloaded by all applicants who have advanced to the Asst. Section Officer computer skill test round from the OPSC's official website at https://www.opsc.gov.in.

Source: Safalta.com

The updated skill test schedule for the position of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) has been made available by the Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) on its official website. On December 4, 2022, a computer proficiency test for the position of Assistant Section Officer in response to Advt.
No. 26 of 2021–2022 will take place. All candidates who have advanced to the Asst. Section Officer computer skill test round may download the OPSC ASO Revised Skill Test Date 2022 from the OPSC's official website at https://www.opsc.gov.in. You can read here- Free E-Books: Download PDF On Most Important GK Topics!

How To Download: OPSC ASO Revised Skill Test Schedule 2022

  1. Visit the OPSC's official website at opsc.gov.in.
  2. On the home page, navigate to the What's New section.
  3. For further information, go to the home page and click the link Computer Skill Test Notice - Recruitment to the Post of Assistant Section Officer (Advt. No. 26 of 2021-22).
  4. The OPSC ASO Revised Skill Test Schedule 2022 Notice PDF will open in a new window.
  5. Download and save the OPSC ASO Revised Skill Test Schedule 2022 for later use.
The computer skill exam for the position of Assistant Section Officer in accordance with Advertisement No. 26 of 2021–22 is anticipated to be held on December 4, 2022, according to the short notice that was published (Sunday.) The test will be held from 10.30 to 11.30 in the morning.The letter further states that due to the regularly planned OPSC OES (School Branch) Examination, the exam will likely be held on December 4, 2022, rather than November 27, 2022. Candidates are recommended to often check the OPSC official website for updated information on the locations of the examination centres and admission certificates.