APSC Station Officer Exam Schedule/Admit Card 2022 Download Information
- Visit the APSC website, apsc.nic.in, for further information.
- Visit the homepage's Latest Updates section.
- To apply for the position of Station Officer in the Fire and Emergency Services under the Home and Political Department of Assam, please visit the following link: Screening Test (OMR Based) (Advt. No. 05/2022 dtd. 08/04/2022). The home page displays NOTIFICATION, ANSWER KEY CLAIM FORMAT, GENERAL STUDIES, and BASIC SCIENCE.
- The APSC Station Officer Answer Key 2022 PDF will open in a new window.
- The APSC Station Officer Answer Key 2022 can be downloaded and saved for later use.
Link To Download: APSC Station Officer Answer Key 2022-General Studies
Link To Download: APSC Station Officer Answer Key 2022-Basic Science
The solution key for the courses, which include General Studies and Basic Science, has been uploaded by the commission. The "Answer Key Claim Format" available on the official website allows candidates who took the screening test for the position of Station Officer in the Fire & Emergency Services, under the Home and Political Department, Assam, to voice any objections they may have regarding the answers. Following the instructions provided on the official website, candidates may submit the right response along with the necessary documentation to substantiate any inaccurate or missing answers. The deadline to submit concerns via the official website is November 4, 2022.