DSSSB Recruitment 2022 : Apply for 632 TGT, Assistant Teacher & Others !

Safalta expert Published by: Saksham Chauhan Updated Sun, 30 Oct 2022 12:11 AM IST


On its official website, the DSSSB has solicited online applications for the 632 TGT & Other vacancies. Examine the DSSSB recruitment process, age restriction, requirements, and other information below for 2022.

Source: Safalta.com

Job Title DSSSB Recruitment 2022 : Apply for 632 TGT, Assistant Teacher & Others !
Basic Salary NA INR / MONTH
Date Posted 2022-10-29
Valid Through 2022-11-18
Job Benefits NA
Employment Type FULL_TIME
Experience Requirements NA
Industry Education
Occupational Category NA
Qualifications NA
Education Requirements a diploma from an accredited university or its equivalent.  a Bachelor's degree in library science or a diploma that is equivalent from a university or other institution that is reputable.  Two years of experience working in libraries or computerising libraries OR a one-year certificate in computer applications from a reputable institution or an equal  Details on the educational requirements for the positions are listed in the short notice that is accessible on the official website.
Responsibilities NA
Location india
Organization Name Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB)
Job Location NA, NA, Delhi, NA
Skills NA
View Details NA
The Employment News (29 October–04 November) 2022 features an announcement for the 632 positions of librarian, TGT, assistant teacher, domestic science teacher, physical education teacher, and others from the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB). On or before November 18, 2022, interested and qualified candidates may submit an application for these positions. On dsssbonline.nic.in, there are opportunities to apply for TGT, Assistant Teacher, Domestic Science Teacher, Physical Education Teacher, and Non-Teaching Posts if you have a degree from an accredited university or equivalent qualification with extra qualifications.Check here : Free E-Books : Download PDF On Most Important GK Topics!

Dates to remember 

The application deadline is November 18, 2022.


  • Librarian-100 
  • Assistant Teacher (Nursery)-04 
  • Trained Graduate Teacher (Computer Science)-106 
  • Domestic Science Teacher-201 
  • Physical Education Teacher-221

Steps for DSSSB Recruitment 2022 Download Instructions 

  1. Visit the DSSSB's official website at dsssb.delhi.gov.in. 
  2. Go to the section on the home page devoted to current openings. 
  3. Simply click the application/pdf link. POSITION AVAILABILITY NO. 08/22 
  4. The DSSSB Recruitment 2022 Job Notification PDF will open in a new window for you. 
  5. The DSSSB Recruitment 2022 Job Notification can be downloaded and saved for later use.

Eligibilty requirements

  1. a diploma from an accredited university or its equivalent. 
  2. a Bachelor's degree in library science or a diploma that is equivalent from a university or other institution that is reputable. 
  3. Two years of experience working in libraries or computerising libraries OR a one-year certificate in computer applications from a reputable institution or an equal 
  4. Details on the educational requirements for the positions are listed in the short notice that is accessible on the official website.


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