OSSC Provisional Result 2022 : Check Here!

Safalta Expert Published by: Saksham Chauhan Updated Sat, 15 Oct 2022 01:05 AM IST


The list of applicants who have been tentatively chosen by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) for the Group C Technical Under Directorate of Printing, Stationery and Publication position has been released.  The list of candidates for the Group C Technical Under Directorate of Printing, Stationery and Publication position in Odisha has been released. Candidates who took the written test given on September 18, 2022, can review the list of qualified candidates on the OSSC website, ossc.gov.in.

Source: Safalta.com

The list of applicants who have been tentatively chosen by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) for the Group C Technical Under Directorate of Printing, Stationery and Publication position has been released. Candidates who took the Group C written test given on September 18, 2022, can review the list of qualified candidates on the OSSC website, ossc.gov.in. Check here : Free E-Books : Download PDF On Most Important GK Topics!

Downloading the OSSC Group C Provisional Result 2022 procedure

  1. Visit the OSSC-ossc.gov.in official website.
  2. To see a list of candidates who have been tentatively shortlisted to take the Professional Trade Test (Practical) for the Group-C Technical jobs under the Odisha Government Press, click on the link.
    advertisement number 4765/OSSC posted on the organization's website.
  3. The OSSC Group C Provisional Result 2022 PDF will open in a separate window.
  4. The OSSC Group C Provisional Result 2022 can be downloaded and saved for later use.
According to the selection procedure for Group C postings, candidates who passed the written exam are eligible to participate in the skill test round. From November 9 to November 11, 2022, the Commission will hold the Stage II, or Professional Trade Test, for the Group C Technical Under Directorate of Printing, Stationery and Publications.