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What are Conductors? |
What are Insulators? |
Difference Between Conductors and Insulators |
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What are Conductors?
In simple language, an electric conductor is referred to as an object that let electricity flow through them easily. This characteristic of conductors that enables them to conduct electricity is referred to as conductivity. The flow of negatively charged particles (electrons) in a conductor is called the Electric current. The force needed to make the current flow through the conductor is known as voltage.When a charge is transmitted to such an object, it gets disseminated across the whole surface of the element, which results in the movement of negatively charged elements in the object. The charges transmitted to an electrical conductor are dispersed until the force of repulsion between electrons in areas of surplus electrons is reduced to the lowest value. When such a material is kept in contact with another object that allows electric current to flow through it, the charge gets transferred from the first object to the other until the overall revulsion because of the charge is reduced.
Metals, Humans, and Earth are all conductors, the objects that allow an electric current to flow through them. This is the reason why we get electric shocks!
You can also read about
- Semiconductors and Insulators
- Extrinsic semiconductors
- Electrical Insulators
Instances of Conductors
Graphite, the human body, and the earth are good conductors of electricity. Some Metals that are good conductors are-
- Iron
- Copper
- Gold

What are Insulators?
Insulators are objects that obstruct the free flow of negatively charged elements viz electrons from one material to another. If we transmit some amount of charge to such material at any point, the charge does not the initial position and does not distribute across the area. The most common mechanism of charging such materials is charging by rubbing.Instances of Insulators
Some good examples of insulators are -
- Glass
- Wood
- Plastic

Difference Between Conductors and Insulators
Some of the major differences between Conductors and Insulators are as follows-Conductors | Basis of Difference | Insulators |
Elements that allow electric current and heat to flow through them are called Conductors. | Definition | Elements that do not allow electric current and heat to pass through them are called Insulators. |
Some examples of good conductors are aluminum, copper, silver, and iron. | Examples | Some examples of good Insulators are paper, plastic, wood, and rubber. |
Electrons move freely in Conductors. | Movement of Electrons | Electrons do not move freely in such materials. |
The Electric field prevails in the area but remains nil inside. | Existence of an Electric field | The Electric field does not prevail in Insulators. |
Why are Metals commonly used for making Electric wires?
What is the object with zero resistance called?
What factors influence the resistivity of a conductor?
- The material which the conductor is composed of
- Temperature