118 Elements, Their Symbols, and Atomic Numbers: The Periodic Table of Elements is one of the most prominent topics in the field of Chemistry. It helps understand chemical elements. Teachers, Students, Professionals, and Scientists associated with the chemistry field extensively use it. Students always refer to the Periodic table when they have to learn the properties of chemical elements, their bonds, including covalent and ionic bonds, and their charges. Dimitri Mendeleev is known by the name 'Father of the Periodic Table'.
Source: Safalta
He is called so because he was the first person to invent and discover the Periodic table. It employs the notion of the atomic mass of the elements. When he discovered the first periodic table, it did not satisfy all the requirements of a knowledge seeker regarding chemical elements. Moreover, the ones which were known were not adequate and authentic. Later, a new Periodic table came into being. Henry Moseley, an English Physicist, discovered the latest Periodic Table. It follows Henry Moseley’s modern periodic law. This periodic law articulates that the attributes of Elements are the periodic functions of their atomic numbers. There are 118 Elements in the Period Table. Each of them has a different property and atomic number. Scroll down to learn more about the Periodic Table, its features, Symbols, Derivations of Symbols, Valency of Elements, Atomic numbers, and other information.Most symbols are alike to the name of the element. However, some elements' symbols have Latin roots. For example-
- Silver is indicated by 'Ag'; it is because its Latin name is “Argentum”.
- Iron is denoted by the symbol ‘Fe’. The same reason applies here. “Ferrum” is the Latin name for Iron. Therefore, it is indicated with the symbol 'Fe'.
It can be tough for a beginner in chemistry to learn the names of all the elements in the periodic table.
The reason is these symbols do not always relate to the English names of the elements.
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Table of Content
Important Features of the Periodic Table |
What is the Symbol of an Element? |
How are Symbols Derived? |
Valency of an Element |
Atomic Number |
Table of 118 Elements— Symbols and Atomic Numbers |
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Important Features of the Periodic Table
- Elements are organized in increasing order, i.e., increasing atomic number
- A particular symbol represents Elements of the Periodic Table. The entire name is not used to denote them because the name and nature of some elements can be long and complex.
- Elements are organized in horizontal and vertical formats. Those arranged vertically are called ‘Groups’, and the ones horizontally are called ‘Periods’.
- The remaining elements are arranged according to periodic characteristics and trends. For instance, Soft metals are placed in group 1A due to their high reactivity with water.
What is the Symbol of an Element?
A symbol is a sign, code, or character that represents a chemical element. It usually has one to two letters. Some have three letters, which denote newly synthesized elements, while some are given that designation temporarily.
How are Symbols Derived?
The symbols are generally drawn by using either the first or first two letters from the English name of the elements.
On the other hand, some symbols are evolved from their Latin or Greek names.
Let’s learn from some examples.
- Gold is known by its Latin name Aurum. So it is represented by the symbol ‘Au’.
- Similarly, Iron is denoted by its first two Latin words ‘Fe’ (Ferum).
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Valency of an Element
In order to attain the steadiest arrangement i.e., of a noble gas, the atom of an object makes efforts to acquire or displace electrons.
This aptitude of an atom to attain or displace the negatively charged element (electron) to reach a steady configuration or static gas arrangement is referred to as the Valency of an element.
The number of the negatively charged element (electron) in the outermost shell is known as valence electrons, and the outermost shell is called the valence shell.
The number of electrons in the valence shell establishes the valency of an object.
It is significant to know the atomic number and electronic arrangement of an element to find out its valency.
Atomic Number
The notion of atomic number can be comprehended when you are well-versed with what the elements are made from.
A single sort of atom helps evolve an element.
An atom is the tiniest and unbreakable unit of matter, which contains electrons, protons, and neutrons.
The nucleus, the centre of the atom, is positively charged and contains protons and neutrons.
Protons are positively charged.
Neutrons remain neutral.
Therefore, they are chargeless.
Electrons, the negatively charged component surrounds the nucleus.
The atomic mass of an element is the total sum of protons and neutrons.
The atomic number is the sum of protons present in the centre of the atom, i.e., the nucleus, and is represented by the letter Z.
The number of protons present in the nucleus determines the chemical characteristics of elements.
This raises the need to get well-familiarized with atomic numbers and understand the chemistry of elements.
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Charging by Induction
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Table of 118 Elements— Symbols and Atomic Numbers
Name of the Element |
Symbol of the Element |
Atomic Number |
Hydrogen |
H |
1 |
Helium |
He |
2 |
Lithium |
Li |
3 |
Beryllium |
Be |
4 |
Boron |
B |
5 |
Carbon |
C |
6 |
Nitrogen |
N |
7 |
Oxygen |
O |
8 |
Fluorine |
F |
9 |
Neon |
Ne |
10 |
Sodium |
Na |
11 |
Magnesium |
Mg |
12 |
Aluminium |
Al |
13 |
Silicon |
Si |
14 |
Phosphorus |
P |
15 |
Sulfur |
S |
16 |
Chlorine |
Cl |
17 |
Argon |
Ar |
18 |
Potassium |
K |
19 |
Calcium |
Ca |
20 |
Scandium |
Sc |
21 |
Titanium |
Ti |
22 |
Vanadium |
V |
23 |
Chromium |
Cr |
24 |
Manganese |
Mn |
25 |
Iron |
Fe |
26 |
Cobalt |
Co |
27 |
Nickel |
Ni |
28 |
Copper |
Cu |
29 |
Zinc |
Zn |
30 |
Gallium |
Ga |
31 |
Germanium |
Ge |
32 |
Arsenic |
As |
33 |
Selenium |
Se |
34 |
Bromine |
Br |
35 |
Krypton |
Kr |
36 |
Rubidium |
Rb |
37 |
Strontium |
Sr |
38 |
Yttrium |
Y |
39 |
Zirconium |
Zr |
40 |
Niobium |
Nb |
41 |
Molybdenum |
Mo |
42 |
Technetium |
Tc |
43 |
Ruthenium |
Ru |
44 |
Rhodium |
Rh |
45 |
Palladium |
Pd |
46 |
Silver |
Ag |
47 |
Cadmium |
Cd |
48 |
Indium |
In |
49 |
Tin |
Sn |
50 |
Antimony |
Sb |
51 |
Tellurium |
Te |
52 |
Iodine |
I |
53 |
Xenon |
Xe |
54 |
Cesium |
Cs |
55 |
Barium |
Ba |
56 |
Lanthanum |
La |
57 |
Cerium |
Ce |
58 |
Praseodymium |
Pr |
59 |
Neodymium |
Nd |
60 |
Promethium |
Pm |
61 |
Samarium |
Sm |
62 |
Europium |
Eu |
63 |
Gadolinium |
Gd |
64 |
Terbium |
Tb |
65 |
Dysprosium |
Dy |
66 |
Holmium |
Ho |
67 |
Erbium |
Er |
68 |
Thulium |
Tm |
69 |
Ytterbium |
Yb |
70 |
Lutetium |
Lu |
71 |
Hafnium |
Hf |
72 |
Tantalum |
Ta |
73 |
Tungsten |
W |
74 |
Rhenium |
Re |
75 |
Osmium |
Os |
76 |
Iridium |
Ir |
77 |
Platinum |
Pt |
78 |
Gold |
Au |
79 |
Mercury |
Hg |
80 |
Thallium |
Tl |
81 |
Lead |
Pb |
82 |
Bismuth |
Bi |
83 |
Polonium |
Po |
84 |
Astatine |
At |
85 |
Radon |
Rn |
86 |
Francium |
Fr |
87 |
Radium |
Ra |
88 |
Actinium |
Ac |
89 |
Thorium |
Th |
90 |
Protactinium |
Pa |
91 |
Uranium |
U |
92 |
Neptunium |
Np |
93 |
Plutonium |
Pu |
94 |
Americium |
Am |
95 |
Curium |
Cm |
96 |
Berkelium |
Bk |
97 |
Californium |
Cf |
98 |
Einsteinium |
Es |
99 |
Fermium |
Fm |
100 |
Mendelevium |
Md |
101 |
Nobelium |
No |
102 |
Lawrencium |
Lr |
103 |
Rutherfordium |
Rf |
104 |
Dubnium |
Db |
105 |
Seaborgium |
Sg |
106 |
Bohrium |
Bh |
107 |
Hassium |
Hs |
108 |
Meitnerium |
Mt |
109 |
Darmstadtium |
Ds |
110 |
Roentgenium |
Rg |
111 |
Copernicium |
Cn |
112 |
Nihonium |
Nh |
113 |
Flerovium |
Fl |
114 |
Moscovium |
Mc |
115 |
Livermorium |
Lv |
116 |
Tennessine |
Ts |
117 |
Oganesson |
Og |
118 |
Final Thoughts
Only 98 of the 118 elements—those with atomic numbers ranging from 1 (hydrogen) to 98 (californium; see periodic table)—are found in nature; the other elements are created in labs using the naturally occurring elements.
Laboratory synthesis has produced the elements Einsteinium (99), Fermium (99), and Nobelium (102). Although previously thought to be man-made, several elements discovered through radioactive decay following nuclear testing trials have since been discovered in nature, albeit in very small amounts, therefore this number may vary with time and greater knowledge.
What are the names of the 118 elements?
The periodic table of the elements, whose evolution followed the rules of the periodic law, is the only visual representation of all 118 elements and one of the key contributions to modern chemistry.
Is fire an element?
Fire is not an element since it is composed of several distinct chemicals. Most of the time, fire is a combination of hot gases. A chemical interaction, typically between oxygen in the air and a fuel like wood or propane, results in flames.
What element name is the longest?
Rutherfordium, which bears the name of the well-known New Zealand physicist Lord Ernest Rutherford, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, wins the award for having the longest element name. The word "praseodymium," which translates to "green twin," refers to the uncertainty surrounding the purported element didymium.
What element has the most strength?
The Most Powerful Element Of All: Water. Water is the most potent element.
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